Your Hands Are Mine To Hold

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The cool autumn breeze sent a shiver down your spine as you walked through the park with Q. It was fairly early in the morning and the two of you had decided to go out to your favourite local cafe for breakfast. You both talked as you walked, admiring the beauty of the trees and listening to the crunching of the crisp leaves on the ground.

You rubbed your hands together in an attempt to warm them up slightly; you hadn't been able to find your gloves for the past few days and your jacket didn't have any pocket, so your hands were freezing!

"Are you cold, (Y/N)?" Q asked you, noticing your subtle shivering.

You nodded slightly, "Not really, it's mainly my hands that are cold. I'm still convinced you've hidden my gloves somewhere, by the way!"

"I haven't touched your gloves, you'll probably find them in your bag or something later!" He chuckled, "And besides, I know a better way you can keep your hands warm anyway!"

You rolled your eyes, "And what exactly is that?"

He answered by simply standing in front of you and holding both of your hands. You couldn't help but to laugh at his cheesy action, and seconds later you both found yourselves giggling at the whole situation.

"Alright, my hands ARE warmer now but shouldn't we be heading to the cafe? I'm starving!" You said, still smiling.

Q nodded and the two of you started walking side-by-side again. He still held one of your hands as you walked together, which made you smile even more than you already had been. You'd always loved how soft and warm his hands often were and loved any opportunities you got to hold them.

Author's Note:

I think this is the shortest fluff in this book but I thought it was a pretty cute idea! ^^ My hands are actually quite warm right now lmao, probably because I've just had like 5 cups of hot chocolate in a row!

Also, the title for this one-shot is a lyric from Move Along by The All-American Rejects ^^

Q - T - PIE (A Series Of Fluffy Brian Quinn One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now