Life in the French Quarter (The Originals)

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Rebekah Mikaelson's life was very interesting. Well being an Original Vampire kind of made it hard not to be. Her brother Elijah was also an Original Vampire. But her other brother Niklaus, was the one and only Original Hybrid. Elijah was the noble and caring brother as Niklaus was more of a abomination, because he destroyed everything in his path.

Elijah ringed Rebekah a week later she left to have some time for herself.

"Why in the world did you call me Elijah? What has Klaus done this time?" she asked in an annoyed but curious tone.

"I can't explain over the phone, but you need to meet me in the French Quarter." said Elijah

"In New Orleans? Why in the world are you and Niklaus there?" asked Rebekah

"Klaus has some business with the witches. Anyways, you should hurry and get here as soon as possible." said Elijah

"Why in bloody hell does he have business with-" said Rebekah

She couldn't finish because Elijah hung up on her.

Seriously! Why do I always stick with them! Oh ya, our oath, Always and Forever. she thought.

Rebekah quickly ran to the hotel closet and threw her clothes in her suitcase. At that moment, the housekeeper knocked and came in to clean. The Original Vampire might need a snack for the ride so Rebekah grabbed the housekeeper and compelled her to be quiet, not panic, and to follow her. Rebekah grabbed her suitcase and hurried to the elevator as the compelled housekeeper quickly followed behind. The elevator stopped at the 1st floor and Rebekah grabbed the housekeeper and ran to the exit closest to her car. She quickly threw her luggage in the back seat and the housekeeper sat down in the passenger seat. Rebekah stepped on the gas and started speeding to New Orleans. As they were about half way there she got hungry, so at a red light Rebekah grabbed the housekeeper's wrist and sunk her throbbing fangs down so hard but the housekeeper didn't move a muscle, she remained still but did not move an muscle. Rebekah knew she was scared because of the terror in her eyes.

"What's your name?" Rebekah asked the horrified housekeeper.

"It's Cassandra." she said.

Rebekah cursed as she was honked at from the car behind her because she didn't see the green light. She kept driving until she found her destination.

The Bloody. French. Quarter. Great. she thought.

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