Chapter 3 (Rebekah)

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A few hours after Rebekah found out that her crazy murderous brother had impregnated a werewolf named Hayley things got pretty hectic. First of all, Rebekah had dragged Hayley to the mall to buy maternity clothes at least 5 times. Then she tried to make Klaus and Hayley take local birthing classes. Lets just say she didn't succed in that one. Hayley tried to tell Rebekah that she was only about 3 weeks pregnant and wasn't going to be showing for awhile. Rebekah was excited to become an aunt to say the least.

"Rebekah! Come down stairs! We need to discuss something." said Elijah

"Coming! Gosh Elijah stop hollering!" she yelled in an agressive manner as she hurried downstairs and to the kitchen.

When she arrived in the kitchen she saw Hayley looking for something in the fridge and Elijah talking to Klaus.

"What do you need to tell me?" she asked Elijah

Elijah started to reply but was cut off by Klaus saying "Well Rebekah, the reason we found out that Hayley is pregnant is because some witches are conspiring against me."

Rebekah, who was completely and utterly confused, replied "What the hell do you mean Nik?"

This time it was Elijah who responded, "Remember the day we had to orginally flee from New Orleans?"

Of course she remembered, it was 1919 and she and her former lover Marcel had called upon her father, Mikael, to scare Klaus out of town. And it only resulted in her and her siblings running from their home, and Marcel's death.

"Yes, I remember. How could I forget?" she said in a sad tone.

" Rebekah, Marcellus is not dead. I have seen him with my own eyes. He rules the city and the witches don't like it because he is limiting the magic the they can do." said Klaus

Rebekah didn't respond. She wanted to see Marcel and thats exactly what she was going to do. She ran out of the kitchen, went to the front door and threw it open and went on her way.

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