Chapter 2 (Rebekah)

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Rebekah got out of her cherry red convertible and grabbed her suitcase out of the backseat. She started walking to her home, well at least it used to be. Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah built the city of New Orleans. It was were she felt at home for the first time. She quickly turned and started walking back because she forgot Cassandra. She opened the door so Cassandra could get out. Instead of taking the time to compell her to forget everything, Rebekah just snapped Cassandra's neck.

Nice knowing you, Cassandra. she thought.

She dragged her body and threw it in a dumpster near the mansion she thought Elijah and Niklaus were most likely staying at. She reached the front door and kicked it open with one blow. Elijah must of knew it was her because he was in the front entrance in no time.

"Brother, I've missed you. Why do you want us in the French Quarter?" she asked.

"Follow me Rebekah, I have something- no someone for you to meet." said Elijah in a very serious manner.

Oh boy. It's never good when he has his serious face on. she thought.

He led her to one of the many guest bedrooms and told her to wait outside before she should enter. A few moments later, Elijah peeped his head through the door and invited her inside. Rebekah had no idea what to expect when she saw a young girl, maybe in her late teens or early twenties, sitting on a bed with a floral comforter.

"And you are?" asked Rebekah hoping she didn't come off as rude.

"Rebekah! Manners!" said Elijah.

Apparently I did come off as a teeny bit rude. thought Rebekah.

Rebekah studied the girl. She had medium brown hair, hazel eyes- but more on the green side, and a fit body.

"You're a werewolf. Aren't you?" said Rebekah in a nice tone.

She has never had anything against werewolves. As long as they didn't mess with her she didn't really mind them.

The girl got off the bed and walked to Rebekah with her hand out.

"Hi. I'm Hayley, Hayley Marshall." she said.

Rebekah and Hayley shook hands.

"Rebekah, I would like to inform you that Hayley is pregnant-" he stopped to take a deep breath and finally said "with Klaus's child."

"WHAT? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE?" said Rebekah in a state of shock.

"Rebekah Klaus is half werewolf and werewolves can procreate." said Elijah.

"Oh my god. Klaus is going to be a father. Wow." said in a hysterical tone.


Hayley tried her best not to laugh, but she couldn't help it. Klaus finally decided to join everyone in Hayley's room.

"I can't believe you got a werewolf knocked up." chuckled Rebekah.

"Shut up Rebekah!" said Klaus.

Wow. My day just kept getting weirder and weirder. Rebekah thought.

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