What Am I Doing?

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A/N: Chapter six is here! YAAAAY!!! I was so close to having a perfect schedule for this story by posting a chapter a day, but this chapter is one day late. :C But, school does come first, ya know.

I can't hold back the tears. I've been through enough tonight, so I cry. I bet my eyeliner is smearing when I wipe the tears away, but why should I care? I'm exhausted.

After a moment, I think of a plan. There's the road up the hill. I can get someone to pull over or something to let me borrow their phone. But... that's stupid. No one would pull over. They're smart enough to know not to talk to random people standing by the road. Along with that, people can't see me in the white-outs, so odds are I'll get hit by a car. And how am I gonna get up that steep hill anyways? With the strong winds and ice underneath the snow, it's nearly impossible. I finally decide that this plan is plain garbage.

New plan. Maybe, I can just walk back to the restaurant. Jack wasn't driving for long. The restaurant shouldn't be too far from here.

Wait, what do I do when I get there? Daniel probably isn't there any more. I soon realize that I don't have to go back to the restaurant. I'll just head for the nearest building, borrow someone's phone, and call Daniel to pick me up. Okay, that's what I'm going to do. Decision made.

I get on my hands and knees and crawl out of a broken window. I'm now out of the car.

I then begin to walk back the way Jack and I came, following the road. The snow's not too deep, but the wind pushes me around. It should only takes about ten minutes to get hypothermia in this weather, so I hurry along.

There's no buildings near right now. I have to walk for a while. After a moment, a gust of wind blows snow around me, forming another white-out. I shield my face from the wind with one of my arms. My cuts sting so bad. I'm pretty sure the cold air is tearing them open even more, even though I have on three layers of clothing.

As soon as the wind dies down temporarily, and I'm able to see where I'm going once again, I look around.

"W-where's the road?" I say to myself. I begin to panic as my eyes scan my surroundings. "Where's the road!? It was just over there ten seconds ago!" My breathing is quick and heavy. "WHERE'S THE ROAD!?" I shout, tears filling my eyes again. I hug myself to keep warm as another white-out forms around me. The wind threatens to knock me to the ground.

I'm lost. I can't see where Jack's car is. I lost the road as a guide. I can't retrace my steps because the wind blew the snow around viciously, causing my footprints behind me to vanish completely.

I should keep walking. No, that will get me even more lost. I see nothing but snow and darkness. I feel like I'm in the middle of no where.

The wind knocks me down and I kneel on the ground, still hugging myself. What am I doing? Leaving the car was a terrible idea! Why do I make so many stupid decisions??

I shiver. I've never been this cold in my life. It almost hurts just to breath. That's how cold I am. I look around again hopelessly. Where do I go now?

A/N: I think my chapter's are kind of short. In my opinion, short chapters are better than long ones, so someone's not spending so much time reading just one chapter. Tracy's having a tough time at the moment. Hopefully things will get better for her soon.

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