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It didn't know how it got here. It woke up in a void. Blue... Everything was blue. Just an empty shade of blue. It tried to look down and see itself, but it couldn't. Nothing was there. Was it invisible? It felt kind of... uneasy, not knowing what it looked like.

It spent a while just thinking. Thinking of what this place was, where it was. How it got here. Did someone create it? Was anyone else here?

That last thought was something it pondered on for a while. And with each passing second of thinking about the possibility of other beings to talk to, it began to feel a strong urge to look for someone. The thought of staying here while there could be other beings to talk to made it feel lonely, a feeling that nagged at it until it decided to start searching.

Surprisingly, moving was an ease for it, even though it never had before. It simply moved forward, up, down. It felt strange, to say the least. There was no ground in sight, but it didn't need it. It didn't need support to float. Perhaps there was no gravity in this dimension.

It wandered around aimlessly, for seemingly decades. No one was there. It began feeling hopeless, and the feeling of loneliness started to overwhelm it. It started feeling a new emotion... and it couldn't describe how it felt. It was sadness, a feeling that made it feel unable to move. Unable to do anything.

Drops of clear liquid started leaking out of its eye uncontrollably, and it started to panic in confusion, which only made tears flow greater.

However, it felt something heavier leak out of its eye. It was black, with bits of orange. At first, it panicked more, thinking something was once again terribly wrong with it. Then it had a good look at it once it had come out. It was a round, black ball of... something. It had similar but smaller orange balls framing its body, and in the middle was... an eye? A red eye! It must have been alive! Someone was finally here! It wasn't alone anymore!

It felt a new emotion: Happiness. It made it feel so good, just such a giddy and hopeful feeling that made its eye open wider in excitement.

However, it didn't know how to communicate.

So they just stared at eachother. Zero didn't need a mouth, eyebrows or even two eyes to show emotion, one could tell it was nervous and excited for a response just by it's intense focus and pupil that was inspecting every part of the black creature in hope to see any kind of reaction to seeing it.

The black creature, on the other hand, showed not an ounce of emotion. It was like a robot, its eye only on Zero because it was something to look at. Its eye showed not excitement, curiosity or even fear.

It didn't take long for Zero to realise this creature was not sentient. It was emotionless, hollow. It was simply Dark Matter, nothing more. And it once again felt depressed, crying once again and releasing more emotionless Dark Matter.

One day (or night, who could tell in a void that always looked the same), a Dark Matter approached it. This was not new, they would often wander around and then come back to it, as if awaiting a command from it. Over time, this started to annoy Zero, and this time Zero snapped at it. 'If you want me to tell you something to do, then fine! Get out of here!' it thought to itself, as it couldn't speak without a mouth. It wandered off after that, along with the rest of the Dark Matter, for some reason.

A while later, Zero was just staring into the void, lost in depressing thoughts. When suddenly there was a flash of white, and it suddenly started seeing a lush, green land. It would've panicked, but seeing such a different and happy-looking place made it feel at ease. It looked around and saw all of its Dark Matter.

'So wait, did they teleport me here?' After that thought, another flash of white, and it was back in its blue void. 'Wait, no, take me back!' And it was back again with the rest of its Dark Matter, with yet another white flash.

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