Definite Zero

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It once again felt itself regaining consciousness. It should have known it would come back again..

Begrudgingly, it opened its eye to take a look at its surroundings. It was nearly the exact same as the last time, only with more strange patterns. It felt a stinging similar to last time, except this time it felt it just below it's eye, with nothing protecting it. Looking down, it saw 8 large feathers connected to red jewels. Somehow they were connected to Zero, as it found out it could move them.

Zero would wonder what these were for, but it was too tired of life to care about anything. It didn't even feel sad, or angry. It felt nothing, and it didn't want to. It was going to stay here for eternity. It didn't want to hurt people again just because of its selfishness.


But after a long while, Zero started feeling emotions again. For the first time, it simply had a lust for power and revenge, not a drive to find happiness or friends. Zero was as strong as, if not stronger than a god. If it wanted to, it could destroy an entire universe. It wasn't going to accept the shame and humiliation of letting a child stop it twice. Zero was not a little kid looking for friends, it was a god incarnate! It could singlehandedly destroy universe upon universe!

Summoning more Dark Matter, Zero didn't bother to see through any of their eyes, just to command them to take over every planet, every universe, to kill everyone. The Dark Matter were this time more intelligent, and were filled with rage just as much as Zero was.


Zero had just been waiting for months upon months for one of its Dark Matter to inform it of their inevitable victory. Seeing a flash of white, Zero expected to see a universe full of empty planets without life, but was enraged to instead see an army fighting against the Dark Matter. The Dark Matter it was seeing this through sent a message to Zero via telepathy that the Dark Matter had failed to even kill a single person. Kirby had told the planets to prepare for an army of Dark Matter to come for them in the near future, and since then their army had been readying for the attack for 10 years. The Dark Matter had first gone to Planet Popstar in an attempt to kill Kirby first, but that was where their army was most prepared in order to protect Kirby, the heroic Star Warrior. After seeing that they were massively outnumbered, they quickly flew away from Popstar to arrive to another planet, where they still found themselves outnumbered by an army. They couldn't get away this time, and that's where they were now.

Zero could tell that there was now no chance that, no matter how many Dark Matter it summoned, it would be massively outnumbered and outpowered. Zero thought of going outside to fight them itself, but quickly dismissed that thought as it realised it would probably be weaker than a big army of Dark Matter, and even that could be destroyed.

Zero was panicking, trying to think of something, anything to accomplish its goal. God dammit, why did Kirby have to tell everyone it would come back? How did it even tell them? It can barely speak!

"Zeeroh", it heard a voice behind him, unmistakably belonging to Kirby by the strange way he pronounced its name. How.. how did it even get here?

It slowly turned around in fear. But that quickly faded away as seeing Kirby instead now filled it with hate.

"KIRBY, I WILL KILL YOU!" It yelled, not even noticing it had a mouth until now. Was that what the thing beneath its eye was? It didn't have any more time to think as all of its thoughts started turning back to Kirby, how he would ruin all of its plans, how he denied its happiness...

Kirby was shocked at its outburst, expecting a somber, silent response, seeing as it's last meeting ended in Zero just wanting to die, Kirby had returned to give it another quick death... but it seems this time it won't go down without a fight. Kirby quickly prepared for battle, but was caught off guard as Zero quickly rammed into him with its transformed halo, with absolutely no sign of mercy. Even less than last time.

Zero couldn't think straight. It's only thought running through its mind was to kill Kirby at all costs. Forget everything. Just kill Kirby. You'll be happy. Kill him.

Kirby didn't want to, but seeing as Zero was fighting with every bit of power it had, Kirby had to fight back with all of his might as well.

However, even that wasn't enough. In the end, this form was more powerful than anything Kirby had ever faced, and he was not prepared for it. His other forms had been decently powerful, and Kirby didn't expect its third form to become about a thousand times better.

It was seeming hopeless for Kirby... he was getting weak, Zero's attacks were powerful.

Zero was happy to see Kirby starting to fail. He practically already had. He can't defeat Zero now. Zero was so happy, it had finally done something! It could now destroy the entire world now that Kirby, this universe's greatest warrior, couldn't stop it. It would make a new army of Dark Matter, twice as big, no one could stop it-

Then Kirby remembered that in the last battle, he had absorbed a piece of Zero Two's wing. This was because he knew it probably wouldn't be the end of Zero, that it'd come back at least one more time. Kirby kept it in his system, but held off on actually activating its powers until their next fight. And that was now.

Activating the Zero Two Wing's ability, suddenly his body turned pure white and he grew wings just like Zero Two's. A golden halo appeared above his head as well. Turning into this powerful form suddenly gave him more energy, and he was healed.

"Pah!" Zero wasn't paying attention to Kirby, thinking he was dead, but looked up upon hearing his voice. Suddenly Kirby had become a smaller version of its last form.

Zero was not concerned, however, being that its newest form was a thousand times more powerful than its last, that Kirby has copied. He can't possibly think he can match its current power, could he?

"Don't make me laugh. That's not as strong as my current form, you-"

Zero, in its gloating, had not realised Kirby was charging up a shot of blue energy, similar to the attacks Zero had fired from its eye in their last battle.

It shot at Zero with full force, stopping it mid-sentence. Zero was frozen in shock, its eye opened wide. It couldn't do much as Kirby fired another charged shot, this time directly into its eye, making it scream in pain.

It said nothing for a while, just readying itself for another attack. When Kirby hadn't done another one for a while, Zero spoke up. "...Kirby... please attack me again."

Kirby was shocked at the request, but accepted it by doing another charged shot, this time aimed at its bleeding tail that had appeared earlier.

Zero felt the incredible pain, but didn't scream, for it was happy.

It couldn't describe it, but this time it felt like it wouldn't come back. Whereas last times it just felt like it was falling asleep temporarily, this time it really felt its life fading away. There wouldn't be a stronger form, one that's strong enough to kill Kirby. This was its Definite form.

And Kirby seemed to be able to tell. He smiled, albeit sadly, since he would have liked to recover Zero to be able to live a happy life. But he's smart enough to know some things just aren't possible. Sometimes the world is cruel. But this was the best thing that could have happened to Zero, it was better than it living a life of misery.

"Finally..." Zero said, weakly, but at peace. "Th... thank you... so much, Kirby..." And after those words, it disappeared in an explosion of light.

"Yuu.. welcum, Zeeroh." Kirby said, a tear leaking from his eye as he smiled sadly at the now empty red and black void.

You Denied My Happinessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن