Chapter 8

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~Five months later~

It had been a total of five months now since Alex had seen or even had a proper conversation with Grayson Dolan.

Sure they texted sometimes but often he would have to leave to either go out, make a video, or just make an excuse not to talk to Alex.

Was he really that bad of a person?

Meanwhile, Ethan and him had actually become really close. Alex felt like he could go to E for anything..He actually started to feel like a brother.

Ethan was always checking in, making sure he was doing okay, he was eating well, etc. 

Alex was currently talking Audrey out for a stroller ride around.

She had gotten so big, Al couldn't believe she was almost one now. Accompanying Al and Audrey on their walk was Wyatt.

Wyatt had some muscles, brown hair wavy hair, a smile that was contagious to anyone who was sad, dimples, green eyes and a tongue piercing.

Wyatt had first come to the orphanage with his boyfriend Jack, they were obviously looking for a kid.

Long story short Jack and Wyatt broke up and Alex started talking to Wyatt. They weren't anything serious and they've both discussed that they have serious feeling for someone they cant have.

So their relationship remained silly, no strings attached, and fun.

Wyatt wanted to push Audrey for a bit so Alex let him and he checked his phone seeing he had a message from Ethan

E the Bee 🐝

Hey man, it's been a while. Gray misses you, ya know?


Alex put his phone away after leaving Ethan on seen.

He couldn't really believe that because if he did miss him, why wouldn't he just text?

"About Grayson again?" Wyatt questioned and Al just nodded.

"Yeah, I miss him a lot but i bet he doesn't even think about me" you know?" Alex said voicing his thoughts and Wyatt sighed.

"I know exactly how you feel" Wyatt mumbled and they looped around to head back.

Alex gave Wyatt a quick peck on the lips and went inside. Their kisses felt nothing like how he felt with Grayson.

Alex knew it was bad to dwell on the past but the past kissed so well.

Audrey was then brought back to her room and played with, which she happily enjoyed.

After that, at about 4pm, there was a knock at the front door and Alex frowned a bit confused.

People normally never knock.

It didnt help there were hushed voices from the other side.

"Answer it" Alex's friend, Jackson, had said as he appeared beside him.

"I don't wanna answer, what if i die?"

"Better you than me"

"Shut up man"

"Fine i got it then!" snapped the girl who liked to think she was popular, Makenna.

Misunderstood {Grayson Dolan}Where stories live. Discover now