Each Other's Company

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Hello everybody! Back at it again with this lovely little book! I finally finished a request from the wonderful @Dark-Soul-Blurr! She requested nothing but sweet fluffly Bagginshield, because their relationship is just heartbreaking dude. I already know she's going to scream a fair deal! Bear in mind I don't watch the Hobbit as much as I watch LOTR, so some details may be a a little off. Also this is my first Bagginshield fanfic so please, take it with a pinch of salt. I had to change a few details to make some creative liberties, so please bear that in mind as well. Without further ado, I present: Each Other's Company.

Also requests are still open! If you wish to submit a story idea, please read the first chapter of this book for the rules. Thank you for taking the time to read my story! 😊

- Nicky 💚

Bilbo walked through the grassy meadows of the Shire, looking around at the familiar little round houses and breathing in the scent of home cooking and well-cared for gardens. He couldn't believe he was finally back home after his great journey. He felt only pure joy walking up the hill, about to gaze upon the friendly face of Bag-End once more. Though unfortunately, what he saw was very... Unexpected. He'd used that word a lot lately, unsurprisingly. An auction was being held outside his house, hobbits coming and going with all his belongings.

"Hey stop! Stop!" Bilbo called in desperation as he tried to reason with the leaving hobbits. "Oh, do stop selling my belongings!" Sadly, no one noticed him meekly asking for his items back.

"LISTEN TO MR. BAGGINS RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Bilbo was completely stunned out of his previous daze. He'd forgotten about one small detail upon being so wrapped up in the atmosphere at home, and then the manic with the sudden auction. Thorin Oakenshield had asked to live with him from this day forward, for Bilbo wasn't about to leave him after all they had been through.

He remembered carrying his limp body to Gandalf and the elves, pleading if there was anything they could do. He was asked to leave for a day, while they saw to what they could do. That day was the saddest, sickest day of Bilbo's life, he was sure of it. However, they had somehow worked a miracle by the time he came back, and Bilbo could do nothing to welcome the stubborn drawn back but to press his lips against his in a passionate kiss.

"I still wish to part from you in friendship." Thorin whispered.

"What?" Bilbo asked, louder than he meant to.

"I wish to be your love, Bilbo Baggins." He said, pulling him into a strong embrace.

Thorin yelled at the hobbit auctioneer menacingly, making him fall over in terror. Everybody anywhere near Bag-End froze stock-still, staring at the dark figure of the dwarf-lord. Suddenly, Thorin pulled up the auctioneer by his shirt collar and gaze him a steely glare. Bilbo winced and edged away slightly.

"You will tell every heartless hobbit that even thought about buying Mr. Baggins' personal belongings to bring them back immediately." Growled Thorin.

"M-My good sir, we- we all thought Mr. Baggins was dead, therefore we-" Stammered the auctioneer. Thorin let go of his shirt collar as he collapsed, hard, on the wooden surface he had been standing on.


"Really Thorin, it's fi-" Bilbo started, but was pulled into Thorin's arms swiftly.

"I rest my case. He is a strong one, this Baggins. He does not fear death." Thorin said, slightly calmer.

"R-Right then sir. I'll set about g-getting those belongings back for Mr. Baggins then." The auctioneer said, slipping away quickly. All the other hobbits on the hill and many other were gaping at the commotion. Bilbo took Thorin's hand and ran into the house, slamming the door behind him.

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