G1 Jazz x female singer reader

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[well well. My first request hm ;> This one's for @Thebenjagirl6    I hope that this is what you had in mind. You are a real example of how people should request <3 anyway. I hope you like it!!!]

It was around 3 pm. All the bots were at the base, just resting, reading or trying to relax. But Jazz wasn't one of them. He heard about a concert and instantly got interested. he really liked human music. there were just so many kinds of music, like pop, rock, rap... Anyway he was currently in the main room, waiting for Spike to come back with the news. He tried to get the tickets himself but there weren't many. He was a bit disappointed at first but his little human friend cheered him up. He told him that he was friends with the singer. He smiled brightly after Spike told him that. 

An hour passed... There were still no signs of Spike. Jazz was very very nervous since the concert will start in two hours. He didn't really know you or your music, he heard one song. But he did like music, so he did not want to miss this out. And finally, Spike came back to the base. Jazz jumped up, rushing over to Spike as he saw the tickets in his hand. 

''I thought that we agreed that you'll be here at 3 pm! And don't give me that look, you..."

The mech said as he saw spike hold back a laugh. He knew that Spike would mess with him and make him wait. Jazz just crossed his arms as he glared down at the boy, his visor dimming slightly so it would appear that he was squinting 

"Alright you grown baby... I have the tickets, but no transforming. Optimus said that it will not be safe for you to drag attention to yourself since there might be deceptions."

Jazz groaned as a response. He knew that Optimus would say that, he just knew it. He wasn't happy that he will not be able to see the stage and all the people, but hey. They had the tickets. Jazz just glared at the direction of the Primes'office as h transformed. He was a bit annoyed by all the rules but he knew that Optimus just cares for them. 

''Hop in kiddo... And prepare for a rough ride. You deserve it for making me wait"

The white mech said as he transformed and opened the door for the boy.He will drive a bit over the speed limit just to scare Spike. After they closed the for Jazz drove out of the base, smirking a bit. As soon as they were far enough from the base, he started driving faster. He knew that Spike didn't like it at all, since the boy gripped the seatbelt tightly. Jazz laughed as he started to slow down since they were pretty close to the town. They drove for a bit, looking around. Jazz was still chuckling,trying to annoy Spike as much as he could. 

Finally, after some time they arrived. Jazz parked and opened the door so Spike could walk out. He waited for the singer, you to walk on the stage. In about 5 minutes you got on the stage as you smiled looking around.You were nervous but this was exciting. You took your microphone in your hand. You were still nervous but you got better later. After you finished the people clapped. You waved at the people before walking off.

Jazz had to admit, your music wasn't bad. He liked it. He opened the door for hid friend as he smiled. Spike recorded some videos and took some pictures so Jazz could at least see that. Jazz and Spike talked for a while, mostly about the songs. Spike told Jazz that you were his friend, but Jazz didn't have luck. He couldn't talk to you because they talked for more than an hour s you left. Jazz wasn't  sad but he did want to talk to you. At leat about music. Well, next time he will talk to you, Spike promised. 

[ I finished it a bit earlier than I thought I would. I am sorry if you didn't imagine the story this way, everyone had different thoughts ]

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