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"Dad...Daddy, please..Come back.." A young girl with blood red curly hair, heart-shaped face called out. She knew not to wander off like he warned her, yet her curiosity got the better of her. 

Being 5 years old, with a high IQ and ADHD, her brain tends to run on autopilot, she tends to go off on her own, only to be scolded later by her worried father.

Her father was Hasirama Senju, with that being said, he had a lot of enemies who would not think twice using her for their own gain. 

"Little girl, what is the matter?" A male voice calls out, causing her to scream a little as she fell back. Staring up at the Firebird before her, Anastasia's eyes began to widen. 

"Iii'm lost, my papa told me not to wander off, but there were this bright light and next thing I know. I'm here.. I do not know how I got in the middle of the forest, but I can't find Papa."

Her lower lip begins to tremble as her bright blue eyes begin to brighten from tears that start to form.

"How about this, I'll take you in, train you with fire magic, and when the time comes you'll be strong enough to find your father?"

Tilting her head, she began to think about it. Her father always warned her not to walk off with strangers, but something deep inside of her, tells her to go with him. Almost as if she was meant to be there. 

"Okay, something in my gut, tells me I was meant to meet you. So I'll go with you."

With her eyes closed, and head tilted she gives him the biggest smile she could possibly give.

"I am Anastasia Senju, it is a pleasure to meet you..." 

She stops when she never got his name.

"Stryker, but you may call me Papa or Father."



Hey everyone! I know I deleted the other story based on Harry Potter, but more I thought of it, the more I am just not up for doing a Harry Potter story. So please be patient. I hope you all take a liking to this story. 

I am hoping to do something I haven't seen yet. I wanted to create a character who is solely based on Phoenix Slaying Magic,  while also having second-generation Dragon Slayer Magic that she gains at a young age soon after she joins Fairy Tail. 

I hope you all take a liking to this story, ^.^.

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