Chapter 7

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Danny was right, Kurama was not happy with the duo.

The Fox Demon found them moments after Naruto announced that the red-head (Garra) would be his new little brother. It was kinda funny.

One minute, Kurama looked ready to kill both the jinchuuriki and Halfa. Once his eyes caught a look at Garra, however, Foxy turned into a gaping fish.

Kurama face-palmed and shook his head. "Only you Naruto, only you."

"Only me what, Otosan?" Naruto questioned in the cutest way possible for a six-year-old.

Kurama sighed before placing two fingers on Garra's forehead. A flash of light later, and the red-head kid was asleep in the Fox's arms. "Come on you two. I'll explain once we meet up with the others. It will also give me time to come up with the perfect punishment." He added as a second thought.

Danny couldn't help the shiver that ran down his spine at what was implied.


Sand roared in Garra's ears. The poor boy opened his eyes to see that he was in the middle of a desert, which was really strange cause he could have sworn he was just at the playground. The roar came louder and louder, sounding like there was a creature right behind him. Garra turned to see a giant raccoon made out of sand. The creature appeared to be the size as half the village, and as thrice times as mad as he had seen his Otou-Sama.

There was no doubt in the five-year-old's mind that this was the One-Tailed Shukaku.

"SHUKAKU, YOU DAMN IDIOT, SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!" A voice said from Garra's left.

The boy turned to see the red-headed man that his new friend (His first friend!) called father.

"Who... AAAHHHH!!!" Shukaku yelled, causing the sand to rip around the two red-heads. The older one stood calmly, allowing the younger to hid behind the older's kimono.

"Who are you to demand of the great One-Tailed Shukaku, mortal!" Shukaku demanded.

A dark aura appeared around his man and his smile turned feral. "Shukaku... Shut up." Was calmly said, causing Shukaku to freeze up.

"I-i-it c-c-c-can't-t be." The 'ferocious' raccoon stammered. "Nii-Sama!?!?"

The man chuckled darkly. "So you do have a brain under all that sand, eh, Ototo. Now lets fix this seal."

The man frowned in concentration. A seal appeared before him, and the man began to move things around.

"There," he said after what felt like half-an-hour. "That should solve your problems."

The man turned to leave, but stopped when Garra grabbed the edge of his kimono.

"Who are you?"

The man rubbed the kid's head. "Sleep, we'll take when you wake."


Naruto stared at chibi-red-head. It had been a day since Otosan fixed Garra's seal... and the chibi was still asleep.

"We'll give him till nightfall." Otosan said. "Then we've got to leave."

"Hai Otosan!" All the kids responded.

Danny grumbled a "whatever" before laying down to take a nap.

(Who know slipping into the Sand Village without permission would let us find Shukaku's jinchuuriki.) Naruto thought. (Lucky.)


Short, I know, but I got this idea and rolled with it. Said thing: This was as far as the idea went.


Danny's Pairings:

Danny X Sasuke 0

Danny X Shikamaru 0

Danny X (fem)Haku 0

Danny X May 1

Danny X Itachi 0

Danny X Kurama 0

Single 2

Naruto's Pairings:

Naruto X Fuu 1

Naruto X Sasuke 0

Single 1

Other Pairings

Kurama X Tsunada 1

Lee X Sakura 0

Garra X Sakura 1

Neji X Fuu 0

(male)Haku X Hinata 1

Haku's Gender:

Boy 1

Girl 1

Poles are still opened.

Next time: I haven't thought that far ahead yet. 

Tehe :)

Bye Bye

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