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Clementine POV:
Next morning...
I woke up and I saw that Gabe wasn't there,but I saw something on my bedside table,it was a note. I picked it up and read the note.

"I'm still right here, I'm watching you from heaven" ~Gabe

I smile and sigh,I felt a little pain in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. Damn... I guess I have to keep dealing through this for the next nine months.

"Why do you have to make mommy so sick?" I said rubbing my bump

I'm kinda happy I'm keeping the baby.. Gabe might be really happy too. I heard a knock at the front door,I went downstairs and opened it. It was Eleanor

"Hey Clem... Javi told me about your pregnancy.." Eleanor said

"Yeah... Its true... What do you need?" I lightly smile

"Well.. I just want to do a checkup on you..." Eleanor said

"Sure..." I said"

Eleanor took me to a small room,it had a bunch of medical stuff. I also saw things for an ultrasound... Hopefully I can see my baby... Me and Gabe's baby.. Our baby...

Eleanor left the room for a second to check on another patient before she starts with me.

I sat on the chair,I looked down at my stomach. Then I felt a kiss on my head,I saw Gabe holding my hand. I smile as he hugs me and touches my stomach.

"I told you..." He whispered

I smile,then Eleanor came in and Gabe was still here. I think I'm the only who can see him.

"Let me get started with the ultrasound..." Eleanor said"You'll see the baby but we'll wait for the heartbeat "

I lift up my shirt so she can put the gel on me. She rubs the gel on my stomach,then rubs the scope over my bump. I see a little orb... My baby...

"That baby is moving around in there..." Eleanor giggled

I giggled as well,I wonder if the baby would see Gabe too. I felt a hand touch mine and Gabe smiled at me.

"So will I get to know the gender?" I asked

Before Eleanor could answer that,her eyes widen.

"What?" I asked"Is the baby okay?"

"Well... the babies are doing just fine..." Eleanor said

My eyes widen. BABIES!?!

"You're having twins..."

TWO BABIES!?! Two little Garcias running around the house,plus AJ! I'm happy and all but... Can I really take care of three kids? I lightly smiled as Eleanor showed the sonogram.

There they were,my two little babies...

Maybe having twins won't be so bad after all.... Besides I will have Javi,Kate,and Gabe helping me.

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