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Now all you see, hear, feel in ANBU... Doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the ANBU you are... ANBU will break you, but it will make the ANBU you are. The first thing, your first task is not assassination, is not torture, is not Intel gathering... It's being the ANBU you for the first time, that's why all are masks are blank... Blank because that's what we are in the beginning. You're given a name, YOUR name whenever you will put that mask on... Now make yourself that name. Some paint will black ink, others paint with their blood, some dye part of it... That mask will be all that's left, some leave it blank, those ones are usually the last ones broken... They've already broke, the mask is the only thing that defines you here... And you only get to do this once, do this with care because after that it will stick.


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