Barry Teams Up

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Sebastian's Pov (3 a.m.)

I was laying on Ollie's bare chest when I woke up. "We haven't been able to do this a lot, it's nice being in separate bodies."

"You know why we don't separate, Bassy." Barry comes into the room probably checking to see if we're up.

Oliver has his eyes closed when he asks, "why not?"

I place my chin on his chest so I can look at him, "I don't have a birth certificate so it would be weird if someone looked us up. As Barry, we can explain it by using his middle name. Tons of people go by their middle names but Mom and Dad gave Barry my name so we would have something to call me. It's why Barry has five middle names."

Bear shakes his head, "no, it's why I have three of my middle names, one for me and two for your first and middle names. The other two was our grandparents not liking our names and our parents compromising with them."

"Ugh, you are always correcting me," I groan. "No one likes a know it all."

"No fighting," Oliver commands. "Your mother though, couldn't you have separated then to prove the impossible is possible."

I scoff and Bear shakes his head, "so we could be tested on and called a freak? We were 11, Mr. Arrow. We were used to hiding it so we wouldn't become lab rats. Yeah, we have STAR Labs testing us now but it was our choice so it's a different story."

"You're right, right, sorry. Although, you might want to tell Caitlin and Cisco about this. They might be able to help or at least figure out what happened."

"Maybe, but I don't think I'm ready for that," I mutter.

"Well, I'm glad you guys trusted me enough to tell me," Oliver kisses my head. "I think you two are perfect the way you are."

I smirk, "who knew Ollie was such a sap? Did you, Barry?"

"No, but I am so telling everyone about it," he smiles. "No one will believe it but it will totally embarrass the tough Arrow."

"Ha ha, very funny, you know I am right here, right?"

"There is one too many rights in that statement," I tease. "I like doing the wrong thing better."

"So are you back together now? Or what?" Barry quietly questions.

Oliver turns to him, "I'd say back together. If it's okay with Bas?"

I get in one last dig, "only if I don't get shot with anymore arrows."

Barry smiles, "good I don't like having to deal with depressed Sebastian."

Oliver chuckles while I slap him, "I'm serious and no sex with other people unless I approve. Also, same rules as last time."

Oliver kisses my cheek, "of course, Seb. I love you. Bas? You know there's nothing wrong with being a jerk as long as you know when to stop. You shouldn't be ashamed of wh-"

I cut him off with a kiss, "sorry, but I have to go back soon and I wanted one last kiss as myself."

I smile before we combine again. "Let's just cuddle now. I'm too tired to talk."

We close our eyes, "oh, and thanks for helping us merge better. Bas being in a relationship, lead us to stop fighting for control as much and starting to work together. So thanks, even though you didn't know what you were doing."

Ollie pulls us closer, "you're welcome."


Oliver's Pov

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