Barry and Christmas

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Barry's Pov

'Christmas, the one time of year when your problems are shoved to the side and forgotten. At least, that's the hope in the West and Allen's house. There's an ongoing rule that you can be as mad as you want but on holidays and during family traditions like decorating the tree, you have to be on your best behavior. No one is exempt from this rule so even though Joe has stopped speaking to me, he has to play nice even if he still throws glares at me over his shoulder at work. This is probably what saved me from having to explain to Iris that she has a brother who isn't me. Well, that and Joe not wanting to explain why he kicked her mother out of the house all those years ago so he's downplayed his anger when she's around.'

"There's only two boxes left,"Joe says as he takes the ornament from me.

I half-smile, "you know, at this rate, we'll be finished by Easter." I look up with a wide smile as an idea comes to me.

"Don't even," Joe warns, but I ignore it as I use super speed to put all the ornaments up. "Okay, the only red-suited dude I want in this house right now is Kris Kringle, you got it?" I sigh and undo all my hard work and he starts to laugh despite everything else at what his life has become.

"Uh, these ornaments are not gonna hang themselves," Iris says as she enters from the kitchen. I hm as she hands out the egg nog she made. "Grandma Esther's recipe, light on the bourbon."

"Mmm, I always loved her definition of light," Joe comments as his phone starts ringing. "And the Christmas tradition continues. Detective West. Yeah? All right. Sorry, kids, the D.A. wants to ask me some questions. Make sure there's some nog left for me when I get back."

"No promises," I mutter with a smile. Iris starts turning off the table and putting my cup on the coffee tale. "What's happening?"

"Is Dad acting odd to you?"

"Hm, no I don't think so," I distract her.

"Oh, well, it seems like he's abiding by the Holiday Rule," she states as if it's obvious.

"Really? Didn't notice."

"Hey, come on," she pulls me to the floor.

"Oh, come on, we're doing this already?" I slightly complain knowing where she was going with this. "Christmas isn't for a few days."

"I couldn't wait any longer. Here," she puts my gift to her in my hand before grabbing it back. "Oh, wait, me first."

"Okay," I half-laugh at her usual enthusiasm.

"My mother's wedding band?" she whispers in awe.

"A replica, yeah. You were devastated when you lost the real one."

"Our fifth grade field trip."

"To the zoo," he said in unison.

"You cried for weeks. Here," I grab it so I can help her put it on.

"You remembered," she comments still in awe.

"Yeah, steel trap," I point to my head as a joke.

"I don't know what to say. My gift so sucks in comparison."

I go to pick up my gift, "no way." I pull out the science equipment in joy. 'Where's my gift? Huh? I don't want some dingy that only you will use.' 'Bas, she doesn't know you exist.' 'I don't care. Anyways, what are you going to do about Eddie? He isn't going to be happy that you got his girlfriend a wedding band.' 'Shut up.'

Iris explains her reasoning for the gift but seems down that I got a better gift for her. I reassure her that I really like the gift. There's a knock at the door and Iris runs to answer it. Eddie steps in and says his hellos to us but doesn't seem happy when Iris explains who gave her the ring he just complimented.

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