Chapter 9

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Witch Broom sent a spell towards Emily. Emily dodged. She shot her own spell at Witch Broom. It hit a barrier. Witch Broom started sending spells rapid fire towards Emily. She was able to defend for a couple, but then they hit her straight on. She was flung backwards. She tumbled onto the ground. She scrambled back to her feet. "You will never beat me!" shouted Emily.

She sent spells rapid fire at the barrier. She could see it started to weaken. Witch Broom send spells at her. Emily kept dodging. The barrier then collapsed. Emily stopped sending spells, out of breath. Witch Broom then sent a spell on Emily. It hit her head on. She fell down. Emily rolled on her stomach. She sent a spell at Witch Broom. It hit her. She winced. Emily jumped up. Witch Broom looked angry. She send a spell at Emily. Emily countered it. It exploded, filling the room with smoke. Suddenly, Emily heard the roof creak. She then felt metal hitting her. It had come off the roof and hit her.

She started using her destroy spells, but suddenly, the whole chandelier caught fire. Emily tried to escape. She pushed her way out. She fell on the ground and rolled, putting out the flames on her clothes. Emily looked up at Witch Broom. The smoke cleared. Emily coughed. "Do you surrender?" asked Witch Broom.

"Never," coughed Emily. Shakily, she got up. Witch Broom hit her with another spell, and she went right down again. Suddenly, Servant Vine let out a cry. Witch Broom and Emily both looked at her. She clenched her fists. She looked up. There was a purple glow surrounding her. She then raised her arms. She ripped off her sleeves, then clenched her fists again. Her bracelets turned purple, then exploded off of her wrists.

"It wasn't you that was powerful. It was her. She took the poison out of your body and out it in her own. No wonder you recovered so fast. It was because of her power," said Witch Broom. Emily looked at her, then back at Servant Vine. Servant Vine walked forward. There was a barrier around the duel area, but she walked right through it. She raised her arms. Emily slowly stood up. A spell went flying towards Witch Broom. Witch Broom tried to defend herself, but the spell was too powerful. She went flying backwards, hitting the ground hard.

Servant Vine waved her hand. Witch Broom's locket rose up, then tore off of Witch Broom's neck. It floated up. Servant Vine clenched her fist, like she was crushing it. It broke into a million pieces and fell to the ground. Blue lights then flew out of the rubble. Every one went to a servant. It hit them, and they fell backwards. Servant Vine stumbled back. Witch Broom sat up and gasped. "No!" she shrieked. She sent a spell towards Servant Vine, who defended herself.

Emily then sent a spell at Witch Broom. It hit her head on. "Ahh!" she cried out. Emily then watched as she seemed to age very quickly. She started gasping for air. She looked up at Emily and Servant Vine. She pointed her finger towards Emily. She tried to say something, but could not speak. A spark came from her finger. "No," she croaked. She waved her finger. Nothing.

"You have cursed us all, including yourself," said Servant Vine. "However, we have broken free. You will now have to suffer the consequences of what you have done." Witch Broom shook her head. Servant Vine walked up beside Emily. She wrapped an arm around her.

"I will live. I can rebuild myself," she gasped.

"I'm afraid you can't," said Servant Vine. She waved her hand. A spell hit Witch Broom.

"No!" she cried. She then froze. Slowly, she turned into gray dust. The dust flew up to the ceiling, then disappeared. The servants around them slowly sat up and watched until Witch Broom was gone. There were murmurs. Servant Vine turned towards them.

"We are free," she said. There was a roar of joy. Emily had never seen people jump up and celebrate so fast. They all started cheering, shouting, giving high-fives, fist bumping, and jumping up and down. Servant Vine turned towards Emily. She then picked her up in her arms and spun he around. "We are free!" she cried. She held Emily tightly. "Thank you," she said.

"I wasn't going to let you stay here," said Emily.

"I know. Thank you," said Servant Vine.

"I'll get the flying cars!" shouted one servant. People cheered. They all surged towards the exit. Servant Vine and Emily walked together.

"Let's go outside on three, ready? One! Two! THREE!" cried one servant. They all opened the doors and sprinted outside to the road, where the cars would land.

"Our heroes first!" cried someone. The crowd parted for Servant Vine and Emily. They walked down the steps together. The crowd cheered.

"Our heroes!" they kept shouting. "Our saviors!" A flying limo flew down. Servant Vine and Emily climbed in first. Everyone else climbed in afterwards. It was crowded when they took off.

"I never thought this would happen," said Servant Vine. She pulled Emily closer. Someone then tapped her shoulder. They both turned.

"I grabbed these for you," said the woman. She handed Servant Vine the camera and pictures.

"Thank you," said Servant Vine.

"That's the least I can do. You saved us," said the woman. Emily realized she had been a head servant. Servant Vine turned to Emily.

"I can't believe I will see everyone again. The old students, my sister, my boyfriend, and everyone else I knew," said Servant Vine.

"You're going to see them again," said Emily. "It's going to be a very happy reunion." Servant Vine smiled. She looked out the window.

"I've been in that castle for sixty years," said the woman. "And now I'm free."

"Wow," said Emily. The car started to go down.

"Magicalness Academy!" called the driver. Cheers erupted.

"Ready?" asked Emily.

"Yes," said Servant Vine.

"What should I call you now? You're no longer Servant Vine," said Emily.

"Call me Ms. Vineward," answered Servant Vine. "I'll be my old self once again."

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