Chapter 10

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There was a celebration. Ms. Vineward hugged all of the old students. They were so excited to see her. Emily and Ms. Vineward kept telling everyone what happened. It was a happy celebration. It lasted for days. As the magic that kept the servants from sleeping wore off, they all slept for days. Most of them slept at dorms at Magicalness. Some had families they could go to.

A week after Ms. Vineward's return, Emily walked with her to her sister's house. Ms. Vineward wore a blue dress. Emily wore her robes. Ms. Vineward took a breath and knocked on the door. A few minutes later, a woman answered the door, a four-year-old attached to her leg. The woman gasped. "Mary," said Ms. Vineward.

"Rose," said the woman. They threw their arms around each other. "I never thought I would see you again," said Mary. "You must tell me what happened to you." They let go of each other. "This is my son Daniel," said Mary. Ms. Vineward knelt down.

"Hi Daniel. I'm your aunt," said Ms. Vineward. He smiled, but hid behind his mom.

"He's just shy. Come in. Come in. Come meet my husband," said Mary. She led them inside. They went to the dining room. There were cookies on the table. "Please. Help yourselves," she said. Emily sat down. Daniel did too. A man came in. Mary followed him. He smiled.

"I'm Jeremy," he said. He shook Ms. Vineward's hand.

"I have to make a call. I'll be right back," said Mary. She left. Ms. Vineward started taking with Jeremy. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Mary opened it. Another man walked in, led by Mary. Ms. Vineward gasped. She ran and hugged him. He hugged her.

"I knew you would come back," he said. He let go of her.

"Tyler. I don't know what to say," said Ms. Vineward.

"Tell us what happened," said Mary. They all sat down, except Ms. Vineward. She started telling them what happened, starting with her death. They were stunned, but did not interrupt. She then got to the part where Emily came in. They all looked at her. Ms. Vineward continued. At the end, they all started thanking Emily. She smiled.

Then, Tyler got up. "Rose, I waited twenty years for you to come back. I know we haven't talked, but..." he said. He knelt down. He got out a small box. "Will you marry me?" he asked, opening the box. There was a ring inside. Ms. Vineward gasped, covering her mouth.

"Oh my goodness. Tyler," she said.

"You can say no if you want," he said.

"Yes. Yes. I will marry you," she said. He smiled. He put the ring on her finger. He stood up. They looked at each other, then kissed. Mary smiled. Jeremy covered Daniel's eyes. Emily smiled. Ms. Vineward and Tyler separated.

"I guess we have a wedding to plan," Mary told Emily. Emily smiled at her.

"Yeah. I guess we do," said Emily.
Everyone sat on the pews of the church. A pastor stood on the stage, along with Tyler, dressed in a tuxedo. Music started playing. Mary and her husband walked out. Mary was a bridesmaid, her husband a groomsman. Next came a servant from the castle Ms. Vineward had gotten close to. She was with one of Tyler's close friends. Next came Emily, the maid of honor, and Tyler's closest friend.

At last came Ms. Vineward and her uncle. She had wanted her dad, but he had passed. His brother had offered to do it, and Ms. Vineward agreed. She wore a long white dress. A white veil covered her face. The bridesmaids and groomsmen lined up on opposite sides of the stage. Tyler smiled. Ms. Vineward was smiling too. She made to him. He lifted her veil up and put it out of the way.

The pastor began to speak. Emily smiled. Tyler's parents were there. His mom was crying. There were two empty seats next to them. Emily knew it was for Ms. Vineward's parents. Emily knew they were watching. Emily saw a lot of people from the castle. The woman that had gotten Ms. Vineward's pictures was sitting near the front. The driver was near the back.

Emily looked back at the happy couple. "I do," said Ms. Vineward.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," said the pastor. Ms. Vineward and Tyler kissed. Everyone was smiling. Emily smiled too.
At the reception, Ms. Vineward found Emily. "Come with me," she said. Emily followed her outside to a swing on the porch. Ms. Vineward sat down, and Emily sat beside her.

"How does it feel to be married?" asked Emily.

"It kinda feels nice. I know I will always have him. I think we will be happy together," said Ms. Vineward. "Enough about that though." She looked at Emily. "Thank you. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you," she said. Emily smiled.

"We worked together," said Emily.

"I would have never gathered the courage without you," said Ms. Vineward. She wrapped an arm around Emily. "I have a surprise for you," she told Emily.

"But it's your wedding. You should be getting the surprises," said Emily.

"It will make me happy too," said Ms. Vineward. Emily looked at her. "I've already discussed this with Tyler. Emily, would you like to be our daughter?" asked Ms. Vineward. Emily gasped and covered her mouth. She then put her hands down.

"Oh my goodness. I...I would love to!" cried Emily. Tears formed in her eyes. Ms. Vineward hugged her. Emily hugged back, crying into her shoulder. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," said Emily. She let go of Ms. Vineward and looked at her. "You were wrong you know," said Emily.

"About what?" asked Ms. Vineward.

"That you will never be a mom," said Emily.

"I guess I was wrong," said Ms. Vineward. She wrapped her arms around Emily. "Is this a happy ending?" asked Ms. Vineward.

"I don't know what else would be," answered Emily.

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