Leo x (Shy)Reader

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You spent a lot of time in the lair. It wasn't too surprising you didn't have many friends. Most of the time you hung around Leo. You copied some of the things he did, listened closely to whatever he said, and talked about him all the time with April. April told Donnie, who told Ralph and Mickey. Everyone stayed super quiet around you and Leo. It was this fun game to everyone because whenever you were around him or when he talked to you, you turned bright red.

You were playing with Mickey and just as you reached level 35, Leo called you. Mickey squealed and laughed like a little girl. You knocked him over the head. When you got in the dojo, Leo was sitting there. Awkwardness flooded you and your cheeks lit up. He closed the door and looked at you. "What do you think of me?" You eyes widened in panic. "W-whaaat do I think of  you??" He nodded, his serious expression lingering. "U-uhm.. when you're nice and f-funny?" He grabbed your shoulders and smiled. "That's not what April said that you told." That's when you died.

"Ahm, I do-I don't like- no- that's not what I meant, I..." You stuttered so horribly. Nothing went better when he laughed. "Your face is so red right now." You were in mental agony. "Well, you're holding me b-by my shoulders and.. and SMIRKING." You gasped. "Of corse I'd be blushing! I-" He leaned closer. Oh god. Your eyes shot around the room, your hands were quivering, and Leo was super close. "Don't worry y/n..." He whispered. "I like you too." That's when you felt his mouth on yours. He probably sucked the soul out of you because you lost your balance and fell strait down into a pile of mush. He caught you. It was super embarrassing.

(I tried and I'm sorry)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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