38 // halloween lover

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I have always been too many parts fear. Never
the scarer, always the scared. Running from
love like it has teeth, like it's the zombie
threatening to tear the flesh from my bones.
When you call me, I don't hear your voice. I
hear the sound of our love when it's an echo.
I hear the ghost of what hasn't yet begun,
gliding through every wall I put up in my
haunted-house-mind. Losing someone
requires having them in the first place, so I
turn myself into a magician and try to make
you vanish in the first act. I was told that
falling in love with my nightmares would
cure me. But darling, every night with you
feels like halloween, and there's only so
much overexposure one can take before it
has the opposite effect, before the treatment
becomes the cause, before every jack-o-
lantern starts to look like a warning, baring
its teeth, hissing, "Love is a trap."

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