Chapter 5.2

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Hello my lovely readers <3 I'm again so so sooo sorry for taking sooo damn long to update. I keep trying to find time but something always pops up. I've been having a lot of tests and lots to study and everything's been super hectic. Thanks to all of you who took the time to read my book and leave such nice comments and votes. I'll try to update more frequently if my busy schedule lets me do so. Sorry and thanks again :)))

Warning: Just warning you all that in this chapter there's low-key bullying, and depressive-prone thoughts. Plus a lot of intensity and bad words, so now's your chance to leave if you're uncomfortable :)


Andie dragged her feet, taking deep shallow breaths as she stared absentmindedly into space. Dakota guided her into the bathroom as she took unbalanced steps.

As they walked into the bathroom, a girl that was staring at herself in the mirror gave them a weird look.

"Get out!" she scoffed, flipping her hair.

"Uhm, bitch," Dakota snarled dryly with his hands on his hips, "Can't you see we're having a crisis here? I don't care if you're having a little emergency, shove that tampon up your cooter and get out!"

The girl walked out giving them an irritated stare. Dakota locked the door so that they could have some privacy.

Barely able to hold herself up, Andie made her way to the nearest wall. Her entire body was trembling as if she had been stranded in the Arctic for days. In her panicked state, she felt increasingly dizzy, and the world around her looked jumbled in a kaleidoscopic mess of shapes and colors. Her breathing also had become sparse and hollow as her lungs tried their very best to intake all the oxygen they possibly could.

She leaned against the wall of the bathroom, letting out an audible sigh as her muscles relaxed under the support of the icy cold tiles. It took an incredible amount of energy for Andie to raise her unsteady hand to her forehead. Her head was throbbing, like a massive hurricane of a headache had laid waste to the thoughts inside.

"Oh God... I'm dying," she mumbled as she strenuously pressed her fingertips to her temple, "Is this what it feels like to die?" she paused, exhaling a breath. "It must be; nothing has ever felt this horrible before."

Before she could catch herself, her knees buckled under her and she slid down to the floor, limp and weak.

She had no energy whatsoever to deal with any more shit.

As he turned around to address Andie, Dakota was surprised to find her bunched up on the floor in a depressed pile of emotion.

"Hey, you good?" Dakota said gently, unable to bear the sight of his friend leaning helplessly against the wall. After receiving only silence in return, he briskly made his way over to the sink, muttering under his breath. "I know everything is fucked up beyond repair, but the absolute last thing you need right now is to wallow in strangers piss!"

Hastily, Dakota forced the rusted tap open while trying to keep minimal contact. The grimy tap was covered in a layer of lime and oxide, and looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. Dakota couldn't help but wonder what those fat cleaning ladies did during their working hours – probably fulfilling their frustrated dreams of hairdressing by braiding each other's crusty bearded clams.

Folding his hands into a cup, he caught as much water as he possibly could before rushing back to Andie. Dakota knelt down next to her before hurling the water on her face as if he were performing an exorcism.

Andie's overwhelmed thoughts were suddenly slowed to a crawl as the cold blast of water flooded her senses. The feeling of the cold flow washing over her had settled her anxious ideas, arranging them like pebbles in a rhythmic pattern at the bottom of a gentle river bed.

Killing Me To Love You (Jandie) | Josh & Andie | Foursome show, Awesomess TVحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن