From the Dust - Part 2

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I was still awake when the sun came up the next morning, spilling through the cracks in the blinds. I glanced at the alarm clock across the room and sighed.


It was a good thing I didn't have school until Wednesday. I'd scheduled Tuesday as my free day of the week.

I rolled over and fell off my bed about as majestically as a baby giraffe. With a yawn, I stumbled to my feet, and after pulling a light brown sweater over my head, I grabbed my scarf, wrapping it tightly around my neck like before. I gently pushed open the door, wondering if Leo would be asleep yet. I assumed he would, as the sun was out, so it was a surprise when I saw him slumped over at the table, looking miserable.

"Hey, Leo," I said softly. "Are you okay?"

He looked up at me with exhausted purple eyes - not red, I noticed - and muttered something unintelligible under his breath.

"These are the days he wishes he could drink coffee," Joel said cheerfully from the counter, taking a long drink from his mug.

"You know what I want," Leo grumbled, picking at the fresh bandage around his wrist.

"There's vegan coffee," I suggested.

"Oh, he knows. He's just too lazy to go buy it."

Vegan vampire ... something was definitely wrong with him - although wrong wasn't a very kind way to put it. Was it a lifestyle that helped him hide what he really was?

I put a piece of bread in the toaster and hovered around it awkwardly while I waited for it to pop. I started to ask where the peanut butter was, and then wondered if I'd seem rude, since I'd only just moved in and we hadn't even settled the things like paying rent and maintenance, and already I was getting into their food.

Joel noticed my internal struggle and pointed at the fridge. "Peanut butter's in there with the jam. Butter and honey are in that cupboard."

"Thanks." I cracked an embarrassed smile. "Sorry I'm already eating your food."

"Nah, it's the first day. Think of it as a gift." Joel laughed a little and almost spilled his coffee. "Speaking of shopping - Leo, you're coming to the store with me."

"I don't want to." Leo leaned over and banged his head on the table.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, quickly analyzing him. Naturally, he'd be exhausted if he'd been up yesterday and all of last night, especially since the sun was up yesterday afternoon.

"He's got insomnia," Joel said casually.

I could detect the lie, but I had to keep them thinking I was just another guy. I didn't move here to find vampires, but maybe that was just a bonus point.

"Sorry about that," I muttered, trying to keep my thoughts to myself. I briefly wondered if he was able to read my mind, but he didn't say anything, and that particular power was pretty rare, so I didn't let myself worry too much.

"Come on, Leo. Get your jacket on and let's go." Joel stuffed a shopping list in his pocket.

"I don't wanna go," Leo whined.

"You're coming and that's final." Joel finished his coffee and slammed the mug down on the counter, marching over to his friend and dragging him off of the table and toward the front door.

I glanced out the window and noticed that it was, in fact, cloudy. However, it was common knowledge that vampires couldn't go outside during the daytime, no matter if it was cloudy or not. And vampires didn't have blood either, and I'd seen him with his finger in his mouth, covered in blood. Was he really a vampire, or some other supernatural? Was that why I hadn't identified him the moment I'd seen him?

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