Author's Note

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Hello again, my lovely humans! I finally wrote a happy ending! Yay me!

I'm not good at happy endings. Did this one turn out okay? It wasn't cheesy or anything? You deserve something happy after the trauma I put you guys through.

Anyway, thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, maybe ... go back and push that little star button? It'd make me so happy! Comments are literally the best though, so anyone who leaves comments are awesome!

Honestly, I have no idea where these ideas came from. I just was like hey I'm gonna write this and it's gonna be good. I love writing Monstercat AUs more than regular fanfictions, because all of those just get old. Everyone writes them the same.

Thank you for all for reading! You are amazing!

Did you like it?

What was the best thing about it? (Plot, characters, ideekay whatever you want)

Anything else you want to tell me?

(ThreeMadKatz please don't kill me)

If you enjoyed this short work, you'll enjoy my other two short stories, called My Friend and I Remember. You might even like Once Again, or Rebel.

My Friend is a dark fantasy short story based off of the song by Tristam, but it's not an AU, so I've found more people are willing to read it. It's about a guy who finds out his best friend is the king of an alternate dimension with a hundred things out to kill him. The story won first place in the Golden Star Awards, so please go check it out. :)

I am very proud of I Remember, and it's short, so it wouldn't take you very long to read it. My mind works best at three in the morning, and I come up with crazy ideas. It's another Monstercat AU, like this one, based off of a picture by bluehijinks (I love them. They're awesome), and it's a kind of dark psychological story, I guess. Ideekay, I just really really like it. Please read it.

And Rebel ... ahhh this one. It's a real fanfiction, though I totally got carried away and wrote it like an AU instead ... and it's like eighty four chapters long. I tried to make it understandable for all readers, and I think I did a pretty good job. If you're brave, maybe go check it out? I think the characters in it are absolutely fantastic, especially Phantom. If you're sensitive to things like depression and abuse, there are some chapters you'd want to skip, but that's about it.

This means I'm actually going to continue writing Once Again, now that this fun stuff is out of the way ... this one is dark and rated mature for the descriptions and topics discussed, but just like everything else I write, there's no swearing or vivid descriptions of sexual activity. It's just definitely not for someone who's really sensitive. It's another AU about a group of Raiders after the end of the world, in which everyone is struggling to come out on top.

If you're wondering what Braken's tail actually looks like, I have a picture or two up in my art book I drew, if you're really vigorous.

Anyway ... yep that's it, I guess. Shoot me a follow if you want to keep up on my new works, as a lot of them seem to be short stories. Vote, recommend, be happy ... I hope you people, and have a fantastic day!

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