Chapter 3

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Dana's POV

All my friends and I could talk about was the party. Kyle, Tina, Alice, and I passed notes back and forth in every class about all the random stuff like what happened over the summer (mostly Tina's 3 boyfriends she had while on her vacation in South Carolina, one of them she's together with still, and Alice's vacation to Hawaii), what next summer will be like, and obviously the party, and how boring class was, but at least we'll be graduating this spring. 

It finally came time for lunch at 12 PM so our group of 7 went to our designated table in the middle of the cafeteria. I sat in between Kyle and Tina, and Alice and Ethan sat across from us with Joseph and James on the end. "We have a science quiz on Wednesday. It's the first week! That's so stupid," Joseph complained.

Tina rolled her eyes and sighed, clearly exasperated. "We have a Psychology quiz Friday. Like, why give kids a test in the first week? It's so unfair!" She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. "I hate it."

"What a shame," Kyle said, trying to not to laugh at Tina's drama. 

I smiled and whisper-sang "What a shame, what a loss..."

Kyle smiled and finished the rest, "The winner takes, she takes it all." I laughed because I knew he hated the song, but he still memorized it because it's my favorite and I just think that's so sweet. "You'll need help studying for that quiz, right?" Kyle asked.

Tina glared at him. "Nah, I'll be helping her," she smiled. I tried not to laugh at her jealousy. 

"I really wouldn't mind."

"Of course you wouldn't." She rolled her eyes. "You aren't even in that class. It doesn't make sense," she said while shaking her head. 

"You can both help me study."

"That's a perfect idea!" Tina smiled.

"What?! No!" 

I laughed, "Well it's all or nothing."

"You would much prefer studying with me."

I looked at Tina and back at Kyle before nodding. "That's very true. Okay, you can help me study."

Tina gasped. "That's not fair! I'm your best friend." 

"And I'm her boyfriend. it makes more sense for her to choose me over you." He leaned over and started kissing me. 

 "Guys, watch the PDA," Joseph said.  

Kyle waved his hand as if dismissing Joseph's comment.  "We gotta get to class, Dana."He grabbed my hand to help me stand up from my seat. "See ya guys later."

Trey's POV

The morning went by slowly, I didn't think it was ever going to end.
As the clocked turned 12:00 Pm I made my way towards the cafeteria for lunch.
I sat at the far table in the corner by the wall where I wouldn't be noticed. I opened my Spanish text book and started studying a bit while I ate my lunch.
It was just so loud, who knew eating could be so noisy?  I shook my head at the thought of it.  I closed my text book and took a bite of my sandwich. It wasn't long before my eyes found their way to the popular's table, glancing at all of them but stopping when my eyes reached Dana. She was smiling and laughing at something Kyle was whispering in her ear. My expression was blank. How does a guy like Kyle Martin end up with a girl as wonderful as Dana Rover?! It's a mystery that will forever remain undiscovered. 

"Hey Trey!" my thoughts were interrupted as someone stood right in my view. I lifted my head up to see Lola from history class.  "Hey," I replied a bit too late. She sat down on the opposite side of me so she was facing me. "how were your other classes?" Lola asked as she leaned on her left arm staring with interest. "Educational," I replied, she giggled, "no kidding, at least I would hope so"  "Well, you never know these days what will be useful in life" I shrugged. "Good point" Lola sat up straight and smiled, I gave a shy smile back but turned my head.

Few minutes of awkward silence sat between us.  I did my best to avoid eye contact.
"So, Trey, tell me a bit about yourself"  "well, there's not really much to me" I kind of laughed it off, Lola leaned on both her hands and stared at me making full eye contact, I realized I had no choice but to give her a real answer, I smiled. "well, my name is Trey, I work a lot, I like to read, and I'm very bad at describing myself" Lola laughed at the last part of my reply. "I can see that, well, don't you have any hobbies, Trey?" "Well, like I said, reading." "just reading? Don't you have any other interest?" "I don't have a lot of time for hobbies" I shook my head, Lola opened her mouth to start to say something but stopped when her phone beeped.

Another couple minutes went by and she was still texting. "What about you? What are you hobbies?" I asked trying to keep the conversation going. "oh, um, well,  does eating count as a hobby?" she joked, I laughed "no, sorry" "aw man" she laughed, "but maybe just this once it'll count" I teased back, Lola giggled "well, I do cook and bake" "really? Ok that counts" "Yeah, it's passion" "cool" I nodded my head "yeah, I work at a bakery, I do a lot of different decorating as well, it's fun." "seems like it" I smiled, "yeah,  you should come by sometime" as she said this I looked up and saw Kyle and Dana kissing and rolled my eyes in disgust. "Or not, I wasn't meaning to sound like I was being pushy or something!" wait what? What is she talking abou... Oh wait, "oh, no! Not you! I would love to come by" I awkwardly said, didn't sound too convincing... "really? Because you rolled your eyes" Lola said kind of confused.  "no, I didn't, I mean I did, but that wasn't for you,  I just thought of something" I replied. "Oh, ok" Lola didn't seem convinced.

"well I got to get to class now" i stood up and started walking away. "Trey" Lola called out, I turned around to see her walking toward me. She pulled out a pen from her bag and opened my notebook and wrote something in it. I couldn't see what she wrote though, she closed it and handed it back to me and smiled, "Bye" she waved as she walked off. I didn't look at what she wrote yet because I only had 7 minutes to go to my locker and then get to class. It would just have to wait until later.

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