Chapter 1 : Eye talk

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Hello my lovelies! 

How are we doing today? 

This is a random spin-off and I sure hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing!

I suggest highly that you hear "Naina" from Dangal if you haven't already. The effect will hit home, so please don't go ahead without hearing this slow number! The lyrics for which are in Bold.

Also, there are a few flashbacks in this chapter, written in Italics


Suman was meeting with a few investors regarding the expansion of PCT. Her work had taken a back seat owing to the wedding preparations. Luckily she had a few hours free and had managed to schedule an appointment. As the elevator doors were shutting a person's hand nudged them open again. Suman was busy going through the presentation on her phone to notice anything. It was the abrupt stopping of the elevator and electrical failure that caught her attention. Not only was she claustrophobic but also petrified of darkness. The only light around was the dim neon hue of her phone. She gulped hard. Using her phone torch she tried to throw some light on the number panel to find a way to call the office maintenance. She pressed the call button on the panel a few times but to no avail. She had no network which meant she had no contact with anyone. She knew from the sounds of breathing that she wasn't alone in the elevator. Mustering courage as she fetched a bottle of pepper spray from her bag, she turned and shone the light on the other person as she sprayed a descent quantity on where she thought his face would be. She was so quick that had the spray made its way to the desired location he wouldn't have known what hit him. Thankfully for him, he wasn't an average height man. 

"The hell is wrong with you Sumo!" *Achoon* *Sniffle* *Achoon* "You" *Achoon* moron! *Sniffle* *Sniffle*

"Shravan? Oh God! Are you okay?" she asked concerned placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"What was I doing ha? What the hell was I doing?" *Aachoo* "Good thing for me, I'm tall, else you would have gladly made me blind!" He managed between sneezes not understanding the reason for her sudden behavior. 

"Shravan, I ... You know darkness scares me..." She reasoned feeling terrible at his predicament. 

"You should have aimed the pepper spray at darkness then, why me?! Standing in a corner silently, didn't say a word, didn't touch you." His rant was cut short by her complains. 

"So why didn't you? You could have just placed a hand and said its you.." She shrugged apologetically. 

"Oh really!" He exclaimed. "I did nothing other than breathing and you pepper sprayed me, had I done something you would have tasered me..." He finished exasperated. Trying to wipe off the effects of the aerosol. 

"I don't own a taser..." Came her honest reply.

Shravan wanted to wring sense into her but given their currently cold friendship he decided to play it soft. "Oh Heavens saved me! Thank God!" he quipped, still sniffling. 

"But I do own a knife!" she exclaimed proudly.

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