as you tie me to the bed for good

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Ariannas pov

I groaned feeling my hands were tied i groaned and instantly heard denis chuckle.

"Babe why do you find the need to tie me up and make me escape evrey morning "i wined looking at the ravean haired boy he smiled pecking my lips.

"So incase some asshole tried to fuck with whats mine you know to get out now you have 4 minutes starting now"he cheered i glared his way and rolled off the bed with a thud i used my elbow to semi sit up then my feet jumping up i quickly grabbed the bedpost with my ziotied part of my hands i fell forward them cracking open i smirked at denis.

"Time "i asked he smirked.

" 2 minutes and 25 second good job baby"he said i smiled kissing his lips.

"So you wana shower with me"i asked he frowned.

"Baby as much as id love too i cant i have this stupid meeting on a treaty im litereally leaving in like four minutes "denis said getting up shrugging on his jacket i wined like a toddler making him groan."baby its what i do i cant change it "

"Yea but we never spend time together anymore your always gone then when you are home we fuck then ask how the others day was then knock out "i said he sighed walking over.

"Listen im sorry but were kind of in shit at the moment i promise once this settles down itll be just lena you and I "he said i sighed nodding he pecked my lips."goodbye i love you"

"I love you too "i said and watched him leave i sighed getting in the shower once i was done i gor dressed walking into lena denis and i's daughters room there she was outcold in her pink bedding her binkie in her mouth i smiled walking out closing the door i walked into the kitchen starting breakfast i watched mtv while cooking pancak3s whenni heard lenas yell for me i groaned turning off the stove walking up the stairs there lena was trying to reach her door knob and crying for me i opened the door to see my toddler crying loudly her red face tear stained she smiled when seeing me a giggle coming out of her little mouth i smiled.

"Goodmorning beautiful"i cooed she smiled.

"Morning mama where daddy "she asked i frowned.

"Hes at work baby but uncle jake is here "i offered she groaned.

"Can i call daddy"she asked i nodded smiling dialling his phone number this was our routine her waking up and calling denis me cooking with her on my hip babbling to denis i picked her up and walked to the kitchen.

"Daddy why you no home i be a good girl but chu not here "she cried i heard denis explaining to her and she squelled."okay me and mama make dinner for chu bye bye daddy i love you "she hung up and smiled."daddys gonna be home for dinner can we please dress up mama "i nodded smiling soon me and lena were eating panvakes and i was getting her ready for the day i washed her haur with her baby shampoo then quickly changed her into some overalls and a shirt i put chucktaylora on her feet then did her hair in a bun.

"Cmon lets go to the store you wana make daddys tacos"i asked she nodded.

"Yea can i bring asia "she asked i nodded and squelled she picked up her baby doll i smiled as we soon walked to our range rover i buckled up lena and kissed her forehead.

"What music do you want me to play"i asked she squelled.

"Daddy stuff "she wined i sighed putting bring me the horizon she squelled singing along with oliver sykes i drove to the store and was soon putting her in the cart.

"Chicken or meat tacos "i asked she smilex.

"Chicken mama "she said i smiled we soon started talking about her stupid pepe pig and thats whthatssaw a guy fallowing us a beanie on and thick sunglasses weird i soon was reaching for lenas grape juice why do they always put it at the top.

"Here ill help you "a british man offered the same guy who was fallowing us "white one "

"Yea thank you so much "i said he smiled.

"Yea no problem my daughter only likes the welches white grape too she spits out the reguler "he said i laughed.

"Same with lena "i said he smiled.

"How old is she "he asked.

"Im gon be two in November "lena offered yes in a month my baby will be two.

"Wow she makes sentances mines 15 months and jibbering"he said i laughed.

"Yea youll miss those days "i said he smiled and i saw his eyes slightly threw the sunglasses looking at my tattoo it had denis name in ukranien he slightly nodded and thats when i saw the cart being moved.

"please let me take her home i womt fight shes my baby "i begged the guy sighed.

"Fine meet me here in an hour baby gone "he said his nice attitude gone i nodded and he quickly snatched my phone i walked out of the store leaving the cart taking lena with me tears in my eyes i drove home banging on my neighbors door ms.louis she answered and was shocked when i shoved lena in her arms with tears in my eyes.

"Be good lena "i said and kissed her head "i love you baby "

"I love you mommy "lena said smiling i turned to ms.louis.

"Please im in trouble dont call the police tell denis i love him so much "i said she nodded and i ran towarss the cqr driving to the supermarket i was 5 minutes early the guy came to my car a smirk.

"Early good job beaytiful now step out of the car and give me the keys "he said i nodded handing him the keys he frowned."why are you crying'

"I just left my baby"

"You couldve brought her with us "he said i shook my head he grabbed my hand pulling me into a car my feet were quickly ziptied to the dashbord fuck the guy started driving.

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