Love or Trust?

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"Ayan. My swear you won't go further anymore!"
She screamed and he stopped.
His friends sighed in relief.

They were in a resort which was near a sea, a sea which was known to be dangerous.
Ayan was there to spend his weekend with his friends. And coincidentally she was also there with her friends to spend the weekend.

She was enjoying with her friends having ice cream when his friends came running towards her and she was numb to see them there.

"Inara please come with us. Ayan isn't listening to us. He is going near the shore in order to show his unafraid side. Please only you can stop him please".

And without even listening to them further, she left everything and ran towards the shore.

She saw him already in water and laughing on his bravery.

She screamed immediately.
"Ayan stop. My swear you won't go further!"

And he stopped. His friends sighed in relief. He turned and was numb to see her. He couldn't believe that finally she was there infront of him.

She ran towards him.
"Come back here right now!" She screamed again being hell angry and he obediently came back and stood in front of her.
They were standing looking in each others eyes. She was angry on him for behaving like an immature.

"What the heck? Are you insane? How can you still be so immature? I can't believe this I swear! Do you bloody know that the sea is very dangerous? When the hell will you learn to think about your loved ones above you? I don't believe this mahn! Damn hell!" She shouted on him.

He stood there in his own world. He couldn't believe her standing infront of him scolding him like she used to, long back. He stood there thinking about her still caring for him.

She realised in another minute and turned to leave and he held her hand. She struggled to free her hand and finally succeeded and went from there. His friends were standing there without uttering a word.

He without thinking for once just went behind her.

She went back to the resort and went to her room. But there were few friends sleeping so she came out and collided with him.


"Please Ayan. Leave."

"Please talk to me? For once?"

"There's nothing to talk Ayan. Please leave."

"I missed you Inara."

"Oh really? But sorry to say, I absolutely didn't."

And saying this she went from there. He again followed her and suddenly pulled her inside a room.

"What the..."

"Shhhh." He covered her mouth pinning her between him and the wall.

Her eyes were already getting wet with each passing second.

They heard some people going out closing the door. He left her and went to close the door locking it from inside. It was a waiting room recently converted into a store room so it was very clean. He checked for any dust around and finding the room clean he came back to her.

"Relax there's no dust. You are allergic I know so I checked around." He said casually and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Inara? Hey please no tears please" He panicked and went close to her and wiped her tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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