Chapter 10: Risk

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When I opened my eyes again, I was already back in my room in Dylan’s house. My heart started its usual routine of banging against my chest. Sweat trailed down from my temple and I was gasping for air like I’d just went from a marathon.

I realized that I’m already wearing clean clothes although the evidence that I’ve been bound in the old chair was still fresh around my wrist. Pain strikes through my head, now unable to distinguish the dream between the reality. I propped myself up and search for the door.

It’s locked.

I heaved out a sigh. I focused my mind on breathing and started recollecting my dreams, it’s making my head throb in pain so I decided to give it a rest. How could I forget my dream that fast?

Then the thought of Megan rushed in my nerves. The anxiety I’m feeling now starting to rise again. If Dylan got me out of the cellar, then what about Megan? What did he do to her?

I tried to avoid thinking about negative things but I can’t help picturing the horrible scene of Jenner. Will she end up like that? What if Dylan is still on the process of painting her small body with her own blood?

“Argh!” my fist shoot to the wall, immediately cracking my knuckles. I suppress a cry, that hopeless and feeble cry. “Let me out! Let me out of here!!” I screamed, tearing my throat apart.

I banged my fists against the door, now not concern whether I get killed about throwing tantrums. After loads of screaming and banging, the knob finally shook aggressively. I managed to take a step back before the door thrown inwards.

“What the fuck Kiara?!” Dylan scowled, there were dark circles around his eyes like he’d never got sleep for a couple of days. He’s holding his cellphone on the left hand.

I jumped on my feet when his phone's ring back tone broke the sudden silence, I almost pity myself about how I am over reacting with such noise. “I got to answer this so shut the fuck up before I make you.” He said sternly before closing the door again.

I embraced myself, now completely aware about how scared I am. I didn’t hear Dylan’s footsteps going down so I lean my ear against the door.

“What? I’m sure he’s there. Did you scan the whole area?!” seems like he’s having an argument with whoever on the other line.
There was a long pause before he spoke again. “Yes, someone tip me and I can’t tell you who. My source was very conscious about safety.”

A pause again.

“I’m sure he’s been in that cabin, fine I will handle it.” Dylan’s next words seems to vanquished in the air and the only ones keep on repeating in my head was the cabin.

Then I remembered my dream about the young me and Melody. About Gabrielle and the young Dylan.

How could I forget?

Why would I think that the cabin is the safest place against Dylan when it served as the crime scene of Gabrielle’s death?

How could I forget?


I remained unmoving on the floor where my knees collapsed after I recalled my dream. I spent an hour thinking about what else I have missed? What more important memories I buried that supposedly a huge help about Gabrielle’s case?

I didn’t noticed that the door already standing ajar, Dylan’s tall figure was leaning against its frame. “Where is Luke?” he asked, no feelings, no anger. Just plain question.

I lifted my gaze, meeting his tired eyes. “I told you I left him in the riverside.”

Dylan brushed his fingers through his messy locks, he goes inside my room and sat on the bed. He rested his elbow over his knees, leveling our faces. “You are lying. Stop lying Kiara.”

He wasn’t screaming but it was more intimidating, I felt the hair on my nape rising upon every word coming out from his pale lips. He could sense that I’m not telling the truth and I know that because I think I also possess the same ability. Is that makes me psychopath too?

What if I am indeed a psychopath? I covered up for him. I slept with him.

I loved him.

“Hey… Look at me, look at my eyes,” he rested a cold fingers under my chin. My lips were trembling and my eyes were burning again for probable tears. “Just tell me where he is and I promise everything will going back to normal.”

Normal? Is that even a word suitable for him?

I plucked up a little courage and meet his eyes, there were the untameable waves in those infinite sea of mystery. His eyes reflect so much his soul. As blue as the sadness resting within. “I don’t know where he is.”

This time I convinced myself that I wasn’t lying. Dylan knows about the cabin and according to the conversation I overheard between him and the guy in the next line, I’m certain now that I don’t know where Luke is.

I left him in the cabin. If he goes back to his house then the police will eventually find out. What if he’s safer inside the cell than here?

But then again, what if Dylan’s purposely want to put the blame on Luke so that the case will be close and he will be free from worries again?

He sighed heavily before kneeling next to me, he offered me a hand which I reluctant to take. “Put on something that will hide those marks,” he gestured on the re bruises around my wrists. “You will go to school.”

I resist the urge to scowl and just gave him a questioning look. Why would he let me go out? Was he still thinking that I cannot betray him? He ruffled my hair as his lips curled for a serene smile. Wow, never knew that’s still possible.

“Be a good girl Kiara,” he whispered beside my ear before standing up and walking out of my room.

I closed my eyes, letting my tears to leak down as long as I still have ones. There is hope outside, I could escape if I want. I could report to the police. I can do something. I can find Luke.

I gathered myself up and opened my closet, snatching a black GAP hoodie, grey sweatpants and pair of black converse. I put them on, seized my drawstring and jogged outside.

Dylan was waiting for me on the bottom step, wearing his formal attire as professor. I chewed the inside of my cheek, feeling so much hatred about how well he could dress and behave, making it easier to manipulate people and twist the fact.

“We’re using my car,” he said as soon as I reached the bottom of the stair. He get my arm and clung it around his elbow.

“But they might know,” I was hoping to use my car since I saw it parked in the garage through the window grills.

“You are my cousin, remember?” shit, I forgot about how he faked even my identity.

I didn’t prolong the talk so I could immediately go out of this house, despite the fact that I’m itching to ask about Megan.

The engine comes to life and we drove off, “I sedate her since she keeps on attacking me when I was down there to get you,” he suddenly opened up and I know he’s talking about Megan.

“I told her you have to attend your class but she can’t because she’s already smart,” I grimaced when Dylan cracked in a laughter. Psychotic asshole. Did he just insult me?

I ignored his so-called-funny-remarks. “Aren’t you worried that I might give you away to the cops?”

Dylan adjusted the volume of the music before glancing at me, “It’s called taking a risk.” He even winked before eyeing back the road.

I opened my mouth to ask him about the scene I witnessed in my dream but decided to give it a rest, he’s in a good mood now, I can’t risk being drag back in the cellar although I really want to know Megan’s condition. On the other hand, I could tell that Dylan was telling the truth that he just gave her sedative, for now, I’ll just hold onto that.


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