2nd: It's Not That I Don't Love You

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It's not that I don't love you,

It's about the times i wished you were mine.
All the while pretending to be fine.
With simply just your smile,
Would've made all of these worthwhile.

It's not that I don't love you,

But they said I shouldn't fall in love because things that fall gets broken.
Words hurt as much when carelessly spoken
My heart craves for a serving of your love but is instead served bottles of reality
Which slowly tears apart my sanity

It's not that I don't love you,

It's how I don't love myself and understand how you don't love me either.
That being said, it just makes the wounds in my heart run deeper.
The pain of unrequited love lies behind my soul.
My soul which does not speak through verbs and words, it's just something I can't control

It GNAWS, CLAWS, GRIPS, and RIPS the flesh that's silently bleeding of hurt and regret.
You're someone so special that my heart just can't seem to forget.
Baby, it's not that I don't love you, it's that I do.
And I've always wondered how the words 'I love you' would sound from you, but of course I wouldn't know since you don't love me too.

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