01 | The Move to Avonlea

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I have been dreading the time when my mother said it was time to move. I hated to think of the fact that I had to leave everything I had ever accomplished in the place I was born in. All my friends were gone, back in the place that I used to know.

Now, it was nothing other than a memory.

My name is Amelia Fulton, I'm thirteen years old, and I am now living in the town of Avonlea.

I wasn't going to lie, the town was absolutely gorgeous, I'll even admit that it looked better than the town I used to live in. Nothing could replace the wonderful memories I have made back in Talmage.

"Amelia Fulton, pay attention!" My mother's shouts interrupted my thoughts as she held my two year old brother, Timothy, on her hip. Her tone caused me to tremble in fear. I knew for a fact that my mother wouldn't hesitate to beat me if I didn't listen to her.

"I'm sorry mother," I reply, hopping out of the buggy. She lets out a sigh and shakes her head while I look down at my dust-covered boots.

"Oh put your head up and look me in the eyes child," she snaps. I obey almost immediately and look up to meet my mother's bright green eyes that were always filled with hatred. "Help me move the rest of the things into the house."

I wanted very much to groan, show how much I really didn't want to do as I was told, but I forced myself to nod and obey. I knew if I didn't do what mother wanted I would've been whipped to the next afternoon.

So I did exactly as I was told until every single item in the buggy was inside the house and was everywhere mother ordered me to put them.

"Timothy!" I groan as he spilled my cup of water all over my dress. He only cracked a small smile in return as mother sped walked into the room, holding bed sheets in her hands.

"What in the name of the lord is happening in here?" She inquires as I dab my handkerchief against the wet spot of my dress. I gulp down the lump in my throat as I look up at her.

"Nothing mother," I reply. She gives me a good, hard glare for a split second before turning around and walking back into her bedroom. I didn't hesitate to scold Timothy who gave me another cheeky smile in return. "Maybe next time I ought to strangle that two year old neck of yours."

That cheeky smile of his didn't return back to his face for the rest of the day.

                                  ⋘ ⋙

The following day were absolutely terrible. I hoped that maybe moving to Avonlea, I could behave better than I did back in Talmage, maybe not be scolded or beat by my mother anymore.

After today, I knew that it wasn't happening.

It all started when I woke up five minutes later than my mother had ordered me to the night before.

"Amelia Fulton, get up this instant!" Mother pounded on the door as she yelled at me to wake up. My eyes shot open and I began to panic. "Amelia Fulton, you should've started on breakfast five minutes ago!"

"I'm sorry mother!" I called back to her. "I'm up!"

I scrambled to get dressed and slip my boots on as I tried to tame the wild nest of dirty blonde hair on my head. I quickly slid my apron on over my beige dress as I opened the door to my room to reveal my very furious mother. She flicked me on the forehead, causing me to wince but feel relief as she didn't whip me instead.

"Get started now!" She demands, shouting in my ear as I run down the stairs. I told myself to not talk back to her, even though it was very hard not to as I began to start on breakfast while mother puts Timothy in his high seat father had made for him before he died.

It saddened me to think of my father. Mother wasn't like how she was when he was alive. Father died of pneumonia just last year. Mother decided staying in the home he died in was too much for her to handle, so she decided to move. After father died, that's when the abuse began. I hated it, and I hated mother for it. I've never told anyone about it though, Timothy tries to ignore it the best he could. Mother liked to drink too, a lot. Most nights she was drunk, and that's when she was the most abusive. She plopped down in her chair and sighed, propping her elbow up on the wooden surface of the dinner table.

"Hurry up with it girl!" She yelled at me. My face burned red as I tried to pick up the pace without breaking or burning anything.

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Sorry this chapter is so short, usually my chapters are quite long. How do you guys think of this story so far?

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