Max Gets The Blame

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Lexi woke up to Max breathing in her face, "eugh, thanks, pup," She muttered. He licked her nose in response. Aislin was sitting in her bunk, reading.

"Wanna go to breakfast?" Aislin asked.

"Sure," Lexi replied, getting out of bed. Max got up and stretched as well. "Let me get dressed real quick," She added, slipping into the bathroom, the dog on her tail. A few moments later, the girl and the dog returned, ready to go.

Aislin, Lexi, and Max walked up the path to the big house. Thick, dense fog covered the hills and valleys around them, hanging low to the ground, like a giant spider had left his web covering the mountain overnight.

Aislin reached her hand out in front of her, unable to see it in the fog, "This is crazy! I've never seen fog like this!" She exclaimed.

"It's probably from the storm last night," Lexi shrugged as they climbed the steps into the big house.

"No, we've had storms like that before, but never this dense fog this high on the hill," Aislin explained. As they walked into the cafeteria, Sterling was there.

"Lexi, I need to speak with you." He said.

Lexi turned to Aislin and told her, "I'll catch up with you later," and then followed Sterling into an office. Iris sat there as well, with Tripp and Trent.

"Hello, Lexi, dog, take a seat." Iris spoke, "These two are convinced it wasn't your dog that attacked them in the woods. Nonetheless, we haven't had a dog sighting in our woods for years, and then you two show up, and suddenly a dog matching the exact description of your dog starts chasing people in the woods. You would say that's a little fishy, wouldn't you?" Iris asked.

"All I can tell you is that it wasn't Max. He was with us at all times yesterday. Plus, he wouldn't do something like that!" Lexi responded.

"Iris! It was the ghost dog! We've told you already!" Tripp whined. He got down on the ground and wrapped his arms around Max. The big dog licked at his nose and face. "See, this guy is too sweet! Don't blame him!"

"Stop talking that foolishness. Ghosts aren't real, and just because a dog is friendly with his owner around doesn't mean he wouldn't chase you when he's alone." That last sentence was directed at Lexi. Iris continued, "Trent, Tripp, you are dismissed, go to breakfast."

The two wolf boys walked out, but not before giving Lexi and Max an apologetic glance.

"I want your dog on a leash with you at all times. I don't want him handed off to someone else, or left tied to a fence post. If you can't keep him with you, he needs to be in your cabin with a  warning on the door, to let people know he's in there alone. I don't want to hear any more about this ghost dog, you hear me?" Iris stated, and then added, "You may go. I want to see him on a leash after breakfast."

Sterling followed Lexi out, closing the door behind them. A few feet away from the door, he spoke, "I'm sorry about this. I don't think it was your dog that did it, either. But Iris hates dogs, and she hates ghost stories even more." Sterling bent down to pet Max a couple times.

"Um, thanks," Lexi said, not sure how to respond.

"Well, you better go get breakfast while it's still hot!" Sterling suggested.

Lexi made her way to the buffet, commanding Max into a heel. To be honest, that was normally where he walked anyway, but Lexi didn't want any chance of Iris getting upset at the two of them again. She picked up two waffles, some fruit, and a bit of bacon. Spreading both waffles with peanut butter, the girl and the dog made their way over to Aislin's table. Rex and Jack sat there as well, talking quietly to themselves.

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