Bernie and Max Save The Day

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The storms seemed to let up immediately, the rain slowing to a drizzle. The group walked back towards the big house, a little dazed, and very tired. Just as they were about to climb the stairs, they heard a bark. Standing about 10 feet back was Max, next to the ghost dog. Max barked again, and then turned and began to walk away from them. The ghost dog followed.

"What's up with them?" Jack questioned.

"I don't know, but we better follow." Lexi shrugged. What she really wanted to do was take a nap, not follow two dogs in the rain.

The dogs led them to the garage where the golf carts were kept. Max barked once, twice. The garage door was open, but they stayed tucked around the side wall, in case someone was inside.

"Shut up, you stupid mutt." Came a voice from inside. Max barked louder, and whoever was in there threw a glass bottle at him. The bottle shattered, spraying glass through the air.

"HEY, YOU!" Lexi leaped out from behind the wall, shouting, pissed someone would try to hurt her puppy. "YOU WANNA THROW GLASS AT SOMEONE?! THROW IT AT ME!" She took a defensive stance, her claws extended and teeth bared.

"Oh, shit..." went the person inside. He was wearing long black clothing and a white mask, definitely a costume, and had been messing with something on the far wall.

"Yeah, you picked on the wrong dog tonight, mister!" She snarled.

The person removed their mask, and Lexi recoiled in a mix of horror and confusion.

There stood Sterling, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Sterling?!" Lexi exclaimed, extremely confused, "Why would you try to hurt my dog?!" By this point, the rest of the group had stepped out behind her, to see if it really was Sterling standing there.

"Well, see, here's the thing..." Sterling started to explain, but Lexi's eyes caught the painting on the wall behind him. Her eyes widened even bigger. "See, I thought it was the ghost dog that you kids have been talking about, not your dog. I wouldn't ever try to hurt Max." Sterling said, but Lexi wasn't so sure she believed him.

"Why would you try to hurt Bernie?!" Rowan demanded.

"Bernie?" Sterling and Elliot asked at the same time.

"The ghost dog! He's a Saint Bernard so I've been calling him Bernie." Rowan stated.

"He's a ghost! A glass bottle won't hurt him!" Sterling declared.

Lexi stepped into the garage and began walking towards the back wall. The ghost dog- excuse me, Bernie- followed along next to her.

"STOP!" Sterling shouted, "This-this place, it isn't safe for kids!"

"It was you... You did this..." Lexi's eyes landed on Sterling, horrified the bright and spunky counselor would do such a thing. "It wasn't Iris, it was you..."

Her friends followed her into the garage, taking in the open spell book, the bright red symbols painted on the wall, and all the potions and bones.

"You summoned her... Which caused Bernie to make an appearance, to try and protect the camp again..." Lexi stated.

"Why would you do something like this?! She tried to kill people! She tried to kill campers! Two different people almost drowned!!! If it wasn't for Bernie, they would have!" Rex was furious. All of them were.

"You kids should've stayed out of this..." Sterling threatened, pulling out a gun.

"Dude, there's like, 12 of us, and that's a single handgun. Plus, did you forget who you're dealing with here? We all have superpowers." Elliot rolled his eyes, shimmering into his ghost form, rushing up to Sterling, and disarming him before he even realized what happened.

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