We're Gonna Kick Some Ghostly Ass

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It was during dinner that it was announced there would be no campfire that night, due to the storms. If anything, it had gotten worse as the day went on. As the sun went down, that awful howling sound picked up. Lexi tried to assure herself it was the wind, but with all that had happened these past two days, she wasn't so sure. The evening passed slowly, with everyone stuck in the big house. They made lots of desserts to try and make up for the lack of the campfire, but there really wasn't much to do inside.

Lexi found herself playing a game of Uno with Rex and Kate. Jack was close by, but he refused to play any kind of game. Max laid under the table they were playing on.

"Draw four, Kate," Rex said, placing his card, "What do you guys think of this whole ghost thing? Think they are making it up for Halloween?" He questioned.

"I ain't afraid of no ghost!" Kate laughed, and then added, "Yeah, but no, there's too much unusual stuff going on for something not to be up. Don't know if it's ghosts, but something's going down here."

"I'm just frustrated they keep blaming Max for it. He wouldn't hurt a fly!" Lexi exclaimed.

"Hey, I've seen what this dog can do to flying insects. I wouldn't put it past him to eat a fly. Now, chase and attack people? That's a different story. Uno!" Rex replied, on his last card.

"Draw two, Rex!" Lexi laughed, sabotaging his win.

"Dang it! I'm just saying, I think they might be playing a prank on us, cause we're new here. I mean, Elliot was so willing to tell us his ghost story within minutes of meeting us. That's a little fishy." Rex said.

"Yeah, Elliot's been weird since we got here. I saw him the other day messing with the electrical box outside the big house." Jack explained.

"Wonder what he was doing?" Rex questioned.

"Were you spying on him?" Kate asked.

"Maybe just a little bit. I had gone kayaking to see what all the fuss was about, since the campers here rave about it. It wasn't that exciting. But when I was putting the kayak back in the shed, I heard him mumbling angrily and I hid to see what had gotten him all upset. And that's when I saw him messing with the electrical panel." Jack shrugged.

"You went kayaking?!" Kate, Rex, and Lexi all questioned at the same time. Jack was not one known for doing much of anything fun or exciting.

"Yeah, like I said, it was pretty lame," Jack answered.

"But if it's a prank, that doesn't explain the storms and the fog. Aislin said she'd never seen fog like this morning at the camp before." Lexi stated.

"And that mournful howling! Sounds just like a distressed dog!" Kate cried.

"So does that mean we all agree this camp is crazy haunted and aren't going to judge if we say we may believe the ghost of Camp Bakersfield exists?" Rex asked the group.

"I agree. Uno!" Kate said.

"Yeah, same as Kate, I think the ghost is real," Lexi replied.

Everyone stared at Jack, who never liked to go along with a crowd. He looked back at them, a confusing grin on his face. Was he planning to tease them mercilessly about believing in ghosts, or was he just contemplating his options? With Jack, you really never know.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Jack finally answered. The rest of the group breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, what does this mean?" Kate asked, playing her last card and winning the game.

They began to clean up the cards, "What does what mean?" Rex asked.

"We all know that we all think the ghost exists. What are we going to do about it?" Kate questioned.

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