* V2 (CH 42) - Chapter 65 - Renewal

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A week later, the campus re-opened almost back to itself. Other than the fact that construction was happening on the grounds, a constant reminder of the events that had transpired. There was still a great deal of doom and gloom among the students who had lost friends and loved ones. But the general thought on the subject was that the students were young and resilient. They would bounce back given enough time, time being the key word.

One of the more obvious changes other than the new level of security was that Jonathan Walker and Albert Cross were transferred to Class Z, according to Principal Stark, they both had been underrated during their exams and after the attack, they had been found to be exceptional to be merited a transfer. (Seeing as they both were transferring at the same time, Principal Stark paired them together as partners. And given the status of Albert Cross, it was the perfect pairing, the target and his shadow.)

Principal Stark stands before the Z class and says, "Today, is the first day of class and I'm sure all of you are feeling overwhelmed given the events that merely transpired a week ago. But I can promise, they will force you to grow and become stronger, after today, I don't believe anyone will fail to train with all of their hearts and mind."

The students of Z class unanimously nod their heads in solemn agreement. Principal Stark says, "Good. Starting today, we will switch pairs. During class exercise for the next week, you will be partnered with someone new. But first are there any questions?" Principal Stark eyes his students as they all look away to keep from meeting his eyes.

To the student's aghast surprise and pity, Albert Cross raises his voice. "Sir, I have two questions, if you please?" Albert asked to which Principal Stark pointedly eyes him, causing Albert to swallow loudly, but does not flinch from Principal Stark's gaze. Principal Stark hides a smile of satisfaction, a week ago, Mr. Cross would have reacted differently to his stern gaze. Signaling towards Mr. Cross, Principal Stark waits for the questions to be asked.

"Firstly, is Miss Starr officially gone? And if so, exactly who is Miss Starr?" Albert asked, the question on several person's minds.

Principal Stark smiles a wolfish grin and says, "Trust me, Mr. Cross, when I say this, the less you know about Miss Starr, the better. But I will state this, Miss Starr will not be returning anytime presently and Miss Starr-. Well, she is the devils incarnates daughter and that is all I or anyone will say on the subject." The class eyes widen at the description of Miss Starr as they all turn to stare at each other with wary eyes. If Principal Stark, didn't dare speak about the subject or identity of Miss Starr, just who the hell had they been dealing with all this time?

Hunter lets out a sigh of relief, that Diane had not picked a fight with said, dangerous individual. While Diane rolls her eyes in exasperation, certain Principal Stark was exaggerating the facts. Gareth, on the other hand, has a determined expression on his face, meaning exactly what? Even Gareth Lockhart didn't know.

Jonathan smirks at Albert's defeated expression and whispers, "Hey, at least, she got off your back." Albert doesn't reply and strongly kicks Jonathan in the shin, causing Jonathan to soundlessly cry out in pain. Hobbling Jonathan murderously glares at Albert as Albert innocently glances away.

Before Jonathan can get even, Principal Stark says, "Now, let us begin. Miss Delavega with Mr. Walker and Hunter with Mr. Cross." Jonathan happily cracks his knuckles as he violently gazes at Albert, who firmly won't meet his eyes. Veronica and Hunter, on the other hand, both let out sighs of relief at being assigned to someone other than each other. As for Diane, she pouts unhappily, but does her best to smile prettily lest Gareth catch her frowning. The sheer unabated horror of it all!


Meanwhile, at Monstrum's Bookstore and Computer café, there is a tawny-haired pretty young woman with big doe eyes serving food at the café. The usual customers and skipping school students stare with awe at the pretty beauty. Even the female customers are charmed by her sweet smile and natural charm, when speaking with them. Miss Sub-Rosa had the brightest of smiles and was the best addition to the place since the boss's return. There had been some practices that had not been accordance with her rules and the owner as usual quickly took care of the offenders. They swiftly learned the error of their ways and properly toed the line.

At the front counter, as usual, sits the owner reading a book, while Mr. Wilkins as, usual he hides behind the counter, but most of the customer base knew of the living talking teddy bear. Mr. Wilkins in his usual butler suit catches up on his games. Playing on his laptop, he swiftly PK's players and newbies, a virtual undefeated assassin.

Miss Sub-Rosa, glides over to the owner a gray-haired woman wearing a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers. "Hey, I thought you bought me over to do important work not be a waitress at your store," 56 softly hissed!

"Yes, I bought you over to do important work. The place was in need of a waitress and I needed someone who could do the job," #017 replied without glancing up from her book.

56 stomps her pretty little foot in fury and hisses, "I could flee at any time!"

#017 cold gray-blue eyes glance up causing 56 to flinch at the deadly gaze. "I don't need to remind you of Mr. Wilkins leash, do I?" #017 flatly stated.

56 flinches as she glances at the behind the counter unable to see the fuzzy teddy bear but perfectly able to hear the tapping of the keyboard keys. "Fine, I understand. But can't I at least get paid more?" 56 unhappily asked.

"Nope. You already live with me and I pay the housing bills. Besides, I've seen the number of tips you get. So, get to it, after all, you're the help," #017 replied, a loud snicker can be heard from behind the counter. 56 purses her lips and stomps away to sucker some poor bastard out of his wallet.

Mr. Wilkins mutters, "So, why haven't they've made a move yet?"

"They will, the Conclave is anything but patient. Don't worry, Mr. Wilkins, we'll be fine," #017 firmly replied.

Mr. Wilkins grunts in affirmation, but that doesn't stop him from investigating more into the Conclave. Apparently, he wasn't as well as informed as he thought he was. If he hadn't known about the Conclave, then what else didn't he know about?

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