* V3 (CH 3) - Chapter 74 - The Call

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Having walked home in the snow, they had removed all their wet clothing, boots and coat and changed into dry warm clothing. #017 and Mr. Wilkins take a seat at in the warm kitchen. #017 grabs warm cookies off the platter to munch on as 56 glares pointedly at her and mutters, "Don't I at least get a thank you?"

"No, you don't," #017 mumbled back with a mouth full of chocolate chip cookies earning her another indignant look from 56.

"Am I at least getting a Christmas present?" 56 hesitantly asked.

"Maybe," #017 honestly replied. Somewhat mollified 56 shoves a batch of gingerbread cookies into the oven to bake. On #017's other side, Mr. Wilkins constructs a gingerbread fortress with two opposing armies. It was the gingerbread men defending their home from invasion against the frosted snowman shaped sugar cookies.

#017 frowns as her phone beings to ring. Reaching into her pocket, she glances at the caller ID that reads, "Unknown Number." #017 swipes her finger to accept and says, "Yes?"

A static crackle can be heard over the line as a husky voice from her childhood, in short, sputters says, "The agency is gone, we were betrayed."

Another pause as John gasps out, "Vincent." Before finally solemnly uttering, "Your mother is dead."

#017 eyes fill with shock and disbelief as she climbs to her feet. "John, where are you?" #017 urgently asked.

A bitter cough is heard on the other end of the line. "Avenge us," John croaked and snapped the phone in half. For good measure, John stomps on the burner phone for good measure. Reaching into the stolen, surprise goodie pouch, John pulls half a dozen pins with his fingers as the closet door is forcefully pulled open.

Sarah fires twice in swift, millisecond succession at John. John falters back against the wall and chokes out, "See you later, treacherous bitch." Sarah's eyes widen to late at seeing the pins fall from John's hands onto the floor. The explosion rips the entire area into shreds turning them both into pink mists including the corpse of Giselle. Nothing was left on that floor as part of the ceiling collapsed in. Smoke fills the area as the fire on the floor burns out and spread to other areas.


#017 eyes turn cold as Mr. Wilkins and 56 both flinch at her frigid gaze. "Pack your things, we're taking a trip," #017 ordered. Instantly 56 shuts off the oven and runs off to pack as #17 dials another number. The phone only rings once before being answered, "Happy Holiday's Ma'am. How may I serve you?" Jerry asked.

"I need a flight to be ready in fifteen minutes," #017 stated.

"That is doable ma'am, but the price-," Jerry is brusquely cut off.

"Pay them anything they want, Jerry. I don't care just get it done!"

"Yes, Ma'am. May I know the destination to declare our flight plans with aviation?"

"I'll let you know when we take off."

"Of course, Ma'am. I will arrange it."

"Thank you, Jerry," #017 replied before hanging up the phone.

Mr. Wilkins stares at his girl and quietly asks, "Is everything alright, Seventeen?"

"Yes, everything will be alright, Wilkins," #017 firmly declared.

Mr. Wilkins decides its best not to argue with his girl given her current emotional state. Minutes later, they are packed and on their way to the nearest airstrip. A private flight is commandeered after an extravagant bribe. Within fifteen minutes as promised they are in the air flying towards an unknown destination.


The shadowy man is in the air as well, when a call arrives. With an elegant motion, he puts down his newspaper and places the phone to his ear. "Yes?" The man asked.

"Sir, your orders have been executed to the letter," Vincent declared.

"Excellent. Where there any issues?"

"No, sir. The entire agency has been uprooted from the ground up."

"Perfect. And what of your side orders?"

"Giselle has been taken care of, sir."

"Outstanding. I do believe I will have a most enjoyable holiday this year."

"I'm glad, sir. But there is one item to report."

"Oh?" The shadowy man asked as his fingers reflexively tighten around his phone.

"We were able to detect on the signal feed that an unknown caller made an unknown call to an unknown number. The call lasted less than twenty seconds and nothing more," Vincent reported.

The shadowy figure narrows his eyes and asks, "How?"

"From the tech's understanding, it was a singular use device that would be able to bypass any systems used for jamming all ongoing communications," Vincent carefully answered.

The shadowy man relaxes and says, "That is understandable but given the length of the call. I am certain nothing of use was said. Nonetheless, keep an eye on all global chatter, we cannot afford for word of the attack to be leaked early and warn our enemies. There are to be no mistakes made in the 2nd phase, is that understood, Vincent?"

"Yes, sir," Vincent firmly responded.

"Merry Christmas, Vincent," the shadowy man said, before hanging up, not giving Vincent enough time to politely answer back.

A pretty flight attendant in uniform holds an unopened wine bottle of Dom Perigon and says, "Sir, would you care for some wine?"

"No, thank you. I don't drink on business trips," the shadowy man replied.

"My apologies, Mr. Montgomery. Is there anything else you would like?" The flight attendant sincerely asked.

The handsome dark-haired man eyes the flight attendant for a moment, before replying, "There is one thing," Mr. Montgomery huskily said as he motioned for the pretty young thing to lean in closer. Mr. Montgomery persuasively whispers a naughty, little suggestion into her ear.

The flight attendant blushes brightly, before nodding her head sweetly in yes. The flight attendant scurries towards the back of the place as Mr. Montgomery unbuckles his seat and leisurely follows suit. They are gone for some time before Mr. Montgomery returns with a pleased expression on his face. Adjusting his collar, Mr. Montgomery takes his seat and resumes reading.

A minute after, the pretty flight attendant emerges from the back finished straightening her outfit and her hair. The flight attendant sashays over to Mr. Montgomery and leans in a seductive manner. The pretty flight attendant whispers into his ear, "Should Mr. Montgomery need anything else, please just ask. It will be my pleasure to serve you again." The flight attendant than impishly bites his ear for emphasis, before straightening back up. And with her hips swaying, sways down the aisle towards the Captain's quarters.

Mr. Montgomery eyes gleam as he glances at the firm, bouncy backside of the flight attendant. With a rueful smile, he shakes his head and muses to himself. Once was enough for today. It did a man well to control his passions and desires. But importantly proved one's control over oneself. After all, that is all that separates man from the wild beasts of the wild.

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