Chapter 9

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It was precisely a week after that little "incident" with Sirius. I had woken up the next morning on my own with a blanket draped over me. No trace that he was even there - the sofa was even back to its original size. I hadn't talked to him since and tried to ignore the Marauders altogether. 

I avoided him in class and, when we saw him come down the corridor, I walked the other way. It sounds petty, but I couldn't face the sight of someone who was so nice to you then treated you like you didn't even exist. I would never admit it to anyone for fear of being told "I told you so", but deep down I was hurt by his behaviour. 

I had just come out of Charms, the last lesson of the day, and sat down at a desk in the common room to write a letter to my parents before dinner. I didn't really want to write a letter to them, but if I didn't they would send me another howler telling me to be sociable. Which would do the opposite and make me lose all of the friends that I had made - like in Beauxbatons.

I had no idea what to write as I wasn't really on good terms with them. I couldn't write about Lily as she was a muggle born and all of my other friends would be considered as blood traitors . My parents were very strong believers of blood supremacy which gave us another huge gap. My social life was also out of the question now I was in Gryffindor, as all the "acceptable" people in my parent's eyes were in Slytherin. After a long while of procrastination and pondering, I settled with:  

Dearest Mother and Father,

I hope you and our family are faring well. I have fortunately been. I hope my transfer has not tired you out as I'd like to come home for Christmas and see the rest of the family. I have missed them dreadfully.  

I have yet not mixed with any of the"acceptable" people that you have recommended, this being a problem due to my house  (don't be too disappointed , but I was sorted into Gryffindor) but I have found a few good friends who accept me as who I am.

Best wishes


That was the standard of neatness expected and drilled into me by my mother and governess as a child. I gave the letter to my owl Soriah and walked down to the great Hall to eat. Unfortunately, I had spent so long trying to write that small letter home that I had lost track of time. This meant that all of the main courses were gone and only a handful of desserts were left. We never had dessert at Beauxbatons or at home (unless it was a fancy dinner with rich 'respectable' guests), so I hadn't tried many dishes and ended up settling for the fruit salad. 

As I finished my bowl, Dumbledore stood up and silence filled the entire room "I have some devastating news for you all." He began. "Last year, a force of evil called Voldemort surfaced and attempted to enforce fear on this country. I regret to inform you that he is trying again."  


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Until next chapter.

Chaos was her middle name (Sirius Black Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora