Chapter 20

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In my defence, it was hard not to laugh as three Oopma Loompas made their way over to Remus and I. The orange dye had by now stained, as I had planned, and the trio looked like they had had had a horrendous coating of fake tan. 

Remus seemed to be holding it together better than I was as he elbowed me hard to get me to shut up before turning to the others. "She blamed you then. I can see why though, it usually is our fault. Anyway, what punishment did you get then?" 

I held my breath at this last statement as the looks on the accused faces furrowed. "Detention with Filch for a week for something we didn't even do," grumbled Potter. "She didn't believe that it wasn't us even after we denied it every time she accused us". 

"And to top it all off, this orange stuff set whilst we were being shouted at so we can't even get it off," Peter added in a thick voice. "People will laugh at us now". I sent a smile in the short boy's direction and tried to comfort him. "They won't laugh at you Peter, don't worry. Besides, I'm sure many people haven't managed to get it off. It took me ages and I hogged the bathroom first. Plus there are spells to change your hair back." 

Saying this, I took my wand out and pointed it at Peter "Colovaria" I stated and his hair was back to the previous mousy brown. He muttered a quiet "thank you" and then rushed up to the boys dorms. "I'm going to go and help Peter try to de-orange himself," announced Remus as he stood up from the sofa. "If we leave him, the entire bathroom will be repainted and he still won't be clean."

I tried to stifle another laugh at the mental image this brought to my head as Remus hurriedly made his way after Peter. I turned to face the two left. "Do you want me to help you two as well while I'm here or are you alright on your own?" 

"I think we'll be fine," Black responded shortly and Potter nodded as in conformation. "Yeah, if we mess up, Moony'll help us." 

With that answer, felt a bit put out, but I remembered Remus' earlier statement about them not being in the best mood and instead rose, just as Remus had, and ascended the stairs up to the girls quarters. Once I had got up the stairs and out of the sight (but not earshot) of the pair, I heard them talking about me. 

Well, not me directly- the prankster. 

"Who do you reckon did it the mate?" I heard Black start. "It would have to be someone in an older year 'cause you don't learn the spell Turner said until 5th year and you wouldn't put yourself through that unless you knew how to change yourself back to normal." I couldn't see them, but I assumed that Potter nodded in agreement. "Yeah" he replied. "You'd have to be a bit thick to do that. Personally though, I think that it might be a 7th year you know, leave your last Hogwarts Halloween with a bang." 

"Well that makes sense mate." Black agreed. I leaned against the wall with a sigh of relief. They weren't on my trail at all. I was safe. Well as long as Remus stuck to his word. Coming to think of it, why wasn't he blamed for the prank as well. I know he has his studious stereotype and isn't the first person you'd blame - but nor is Peter and he got the detentions- maybe its because Remus is a prefect. 

I was awoken from my thoughts by someone shaking my arm. "Nigh, are you okay? You were just staring at the wall. Don't tell me you've been there since you got out of the shower." I blinked in surprise and turned to face my red-headed friend. "Don't worry Lily, I went down to the Common Room for a bit to give you three a bit more space to clean up". 

She seemed to be okay with my answer as she nodded and pulled me back into the dormitory and pushed me onto my bed before taking a seat on hers. "You were down in the Common Room you say. You were waiting for those idiots to come back from being reprimanded weren't you?". I smiled at her forthrightness before replying "Of course, I wanted to know what their punishment would be and to keep Remus company." -As well as being found out about my prank, I added in my head. 

"Ooh, what do they have to do then," Marlene interrupted, poking her head out of the bathroom door. "A weeks detention with Filch" I said. "I assume that's harsh, they didn't look very happy when they announced it". I looked at both girls' faces and their laughing expressions didn't really answer the question. "Of course its a bad punishment!" Marlene chuckled. "They deserve it though, I've used Colovaria on my hair to dye it for a few years with help from my sister. I'm not a natural blonde you know and now its not really getting the orange out. I'll be here for ages at this rate."

"Plus troublemakers deserve whatever they get." Lily added, "Anyone who pulled a prank like that deserves a week with Filch. Some people really care about their looks and this prank takes it too far for me. Are you alright Nigh?" 

I nodded to her and turned my head to look out of the window. I know she didn't know it was me (and I definitely don't want her to find out now) but it still felt like I was being told off and I started to feel really bad for the boys- as annoying as they are. 

"It's lunchtime now Nigh, are you coming down with me." Lily interrupted me from my thoughts once again as I happily took her offer and left the dormitory. 


Hey guys, I hope that you have had a good week. So far I've managed to keep the trend of uploading every week (for three weeks and counting that is). I hope you have been enjoying the story so far. It is going somewhere, I promise and will become a bit more interesting soon. 

I would love to hear any constructive feedback on whatb you think of this story so far so if you have anything to say leave  a comment and I'll reply to you. 

Stay well and I'll see you next chapter.      


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