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"Harry Styles." He cups my face with his strong hands looking longingly into my eyes.

I tremble under his touch. Harry Styles. Harry Styles.... I repeat in my mind. I have never met anybody named Harry, but it has a nice ring to it. I sigh just wishing I knew what his deal is.

What is a handsome man doing here out of all places?

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I blurt out without even thinking. I cover my mouth in embarrassment.

He shrugs. "Yeah."


I flush at how stupid I am for asking that. I don't like him and I never will. We don't know anything about each other so why should I care? We're strangers and that's all we ever will be. Once I leave this place I will never see him again and my life will be normal like any other day. Without murderers in my life.

"Cool." I say.

"Okay.." he trails off shoving his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"I'm gonna go," I say avoiding eye contact, wiggling out of his embrace.

"I told you, you can't leave."

"You aren't the boss of me," I snap.

I can't bear being with Harry anymore. He is a soul-less terrorist who doesn't care about anybody's feelings except his own. How many innocent people has he killed before? They didn't deserve to die, not without a good reason. 


I shoot my head up suddenly feeling nauseous. "H-How do you -"

"I heard your friend," he answers, knowing I was going to ask that. I let out a sigh in relief, grateful to know he hasn't been stalking me in any way.

Grabbing my hand, he places it on his left cheek with his hand on top of mine. His hot rough skin makes me jump inside.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask in disgust.

"I'm not doing anything."

"Then why won't you let me go?" My voice lowers as I take a step back away from this horrendous monster. 

"I'm not letting you go because you belong here, with me. You can't go back outside, Leah. People are going to know what I did to your friend," He shakes his head grabbing my arm. "You have to stay."

"For the love of Jesus!" My heart is thudding with anger. How long will it take him to realize that I don't want to stay with him? "I don't want anything to do with you! I don't know you, and you don't know me, and I would like to keep it this way, okay?" I shout in his face hoping he understood every single word I said.

Harry's eyes darken, "You don't have a choice."

"What do you mean I have no choice?" I laugh dryly, "You have no right to keep me locked up in here, you're acting as if I'm in a mental asylum!"

"No I am not, I - "

"Yes, you are!" I throw my hands up in exasperation. 

Harry mumbles something and walks to the table to retrieve the flashlight that is shining on a plain wall. Turning around he shines it on me. Blinded by the light I shut my eyes close and walk towards him. Why does he have to be like this?

"Would you turn that thing off?" I yell, sticking my arms out searching for him. I bump into something warm with a soft thud and open one eye, as I grab it from his hand. He scoffs, snatching it back to turn it off. 

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