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"K-kill me?" What the hell? "And who is she?"

Harry doesn't say anything. He turns to face the wall.

"Harry I am serious! Who the hell is she?!" I yell. God he's so annoying.

"Leah keep it down!" He snaps his head my direction, half yelling and half whispering. "And I can't tell you who she is, I promised to never tell anyone. Not even a soul. So what are the chances I'm going to tell you?"

I groan in annoyance. "If you aren't going to tell me then I am leaving." Honestly, I don't know why I'm still here. I planned to leave long ago, yet here I am talking to a murderer. Just a minute ago he was somewhat calm, and now? I don't even know anymore.

"No you aren't," He growls. His eyes are mixed with anger and hurt, but deep down inside, I know he is just lonely.

"You are not the boss of me. If I want to leave, then I will leave." I simply say.

"You're a bitch."

"Yeah? Well fuck you, Harry." I try to act brave but my emotions betray me as my eyes brim with tears. "You don't even know me, you're telling me to listen to everything you say, and most importantly, you killed my best friend."

Harry laughs. "You're really going to bring that up again? Just get over it for God's sake."

"Get over it?" Tears are running rapidly down my face now. "How do you expect me to get over it? I can't! Acacia meant so much to me, she was like my long lost sister. I loved her more than anything and when we decide to go somewhere to have a little fun she ends up dying? What did she ever do to fucking deserve this?"

Harry's facial expression stays the same with a stupid smirk on his face.

"I shouldn't have come here, I wish I never fucking met you. I regret everything that I have caused and you're the reason behind all it."

He snorts, pulling me close to him. "Calm down baby, I didn't mean to."

Baby? Is he really playing games with me right now?

"Stop doing this to me, just stop. I'm not in the mood for all this, and don't ever fucking baby me again." I hiss through clenched teeth.

"I can call you baby all I want, baby." He wipes my tears away. How many times did he have to do that today?

"Just leave me alone, I want nothing to do with you." I walk to the door holding onto the door knob. I don't turn around,

"If you decide to grab me or hurt me with that she you aren't going to tell me about, then I'd suggest you fuck off and leave me the heck alone!" I scream before exiting the room.

"Leah!" He calls after me but I slam the door in his face.

"Leah get your fucking ass back in here! You can't leave, she'll get mad!"

I ignore him, running down the dark hall to find the exit. What time is it? Did my parents call the police to search for me?

I see a light shining down the hall.

The exit.

Sprinting as fast as I can, I finally make it out of this freaky nightmare. I pant due to lack of oxygen and support myself by holding onto my knees.

I look around, the place is practically empty. It's pitch black that I can barely see where I'm going. The wind is brisk; the only noise heard was the sound of leaves crunching under my feet. Beautiful red leaves swirl around tree branches, slowly falling down on the ground without making a single noise. I sigh in relief, glad that I am free.

I look around for Paisley, Celine and Marnie. I hope they didn't leave yet. Maybe I should call one of them asking where they are. I pat the back pocket of my jeans for my phone but there's nothing in it.

Shit shit shit.

How can I be so stupid for leaving my phone at home? Looking around for a source of help, I see the old women from earlier. What is she still doing here when everybody else left? There's something about her that I can't trust, and I want to figure it out. I walk towards her yelling,

"Hey! You!"

She turns around and my heart halts to a stop, I tremble in fear.

What the... fuck.

She had the eye colour of deep crimson. Her skin was faint, a lifeless shade of grey, and dripping down her mouth was blood. Oh my god. I knew she was up to no good the moment I saw her.


"Why hello there little lady," She chokes out, tilting her head to the side staring right at me. "Are you from earlier?"

I back away, slowly nodding. She takes a step forward, smiling with her chipped teeth that is now covered in blood. I feel like throwing up.

I look to my left ready to run but she grips onto my wrist tight. "OW!" I winch in pain.

"Where do you think you're going?" She screams, her voice echoing through the night sky.


I am going to die. I am going to die tonight. Here, in a fucking carnival. I really shouldn't have agreed to come in the first place, I wish my naggy mom didn't force me to go out for a change. It's not my fault I'm so independent. I could have been home right now, blasting music and dancing in my room or something.

She laughs evilly, throwing her head backwards. "No you aren't. You have no home anymore, my darling. Because this place," she gestures to the house behind her, "is your home now."

I cringe, not able to move. I can't live in this dump. I could die in there and nobody would even know. My family and friends are probably worried sick and are looking for me right now. The police will be here soon, I know it.


I try to avoid making eye contact, but her red eyes burn into mine.

"I can't stay here." I finally say.

"You don't have a choice."

"Ugh you can't tell me what to do! And what the fuck are you anyway?" She is just as annoying as Harry.

Her eyes flame with anger, scaring the shit out of me even more.

"What am I? Oh honey, I'm a lot of things. Just because I am different than you in the soul, that doesn't mean I'm not human."

My eyes widen. Harry..

Harry said the same exact thing to me, but I doubt this woman is human. She looks like the devil's daughter. But what exactly does this mean? Do they know each other?

"D-do you know -"

"Harry?" Fuck. She does know him.

"Yeah, Harry." I mumble.

"Of course I do. He is my little doll."

A doll? Okay now I think this chick is just insane.

"How is he your doll?" I ask, slowing down on each word.

She smiles at me, more blood dripping out of her mouth. "He listens to everything I say. When I am lonely, he lets me play with him. When I am hungry, he finds other dolls to play with. And you?" She chuckles. "You are now my favourite doll."

I feel myself trembling. I want to say something back but I can't find my voice. It's trapped in my throat that isn't willing to come out.

The only thing I can say is,

"Fuck my life."

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