Chapter 1: Love~Love-ing This Paradise!

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So there I was. Sitting on a plane with the nine and a half people that I loved the most. My Mom, Luke, Sir. France, Jenn, Ennard, Ballora, Freddy and Bon-Bon, Vixen, and Penelope. These were the ones I would be heading to paradise with for a whole week. I knew that it was gonna be absolutely amazing! But, obviously, there was the part where we all had to book it as soon as we saw a crack of sunlight. But, anyway, we made it to where we are now. Mom was sitting next to me and Penelope since this plane was one of those kinds where it had a row of three chairs. A little uncomfortable, but with Pene next to me, I could really care less. By the way, just yesterday, after I finished packing, I had a ton of free time before the day ended. So, to pass the time, I finally decided to put a long time idea I've always had into action. To finally start my own YouTube channel. And, let me just say that it was a blast. I played and recorded as many video games as I could and uploaded them on the same day so I could give my new viewers something to watch while I was off at vacation.

To be honest with you though, I always wanted to create my own videos that people could love. This dream of mine started when I was younger. After watching videos of a YouTuber, this idea came into my mind and it was astonishing to finally make it happen. I named my channel "GameBoyAuto" because it was an original name that just came to me one day during recess at Armstrong. And, surprisingly, it wasn't based off the actual "GameBoy" since I didn't know that was a real thing at the time. Weird, huh? Heh. It's funny how things just come to you sometime. So far, I received 129 subscribers, which I know isn't much, but I still think it's a lot when you just began, especially if it was gained in one day! But, back to us. Since the flight was gonna take about four hours, we decided to do as much as we could. Penelope and I watched some videos on my laptop, Mom just called her friends, like most parents, Luke, Jenn, and Sir. France just talked about the island, Freddy, Bon-Bon, and Vixen just slept, and Ennard and Ballora chatted about what they would do together.

When it was "7:48", I looked to my right to see Pene sleeping on my shoulder. She looked so cute no matter what she did, I didn't know why. And it only added when I could hear her faint snores. I took the chance and snapped a picture of us and posted it on my story.

"Bae looks so cute when she sleeps😊❤️". I typed with the screenshot. 

After that, I felt like sleeping too. My eyes did feel like it was carrying dead weight by just trying to keep them up. So I gave in and turned off my stuff so I could join her in dreamland. I was so grateful for everything that was happening. I'm with all of my friends, I'm with a beautiful girl, he was.. finally out of my life for good, and we were heading to Love~Love Paradise. It felt like life was finally out of the dark after so many years of endless agony. If only my sister were here to spend time with all of us. Then it would be even more awesome. But, then again, she's already having fun at New York with her boyfriend, Jack. And I'm proud of her. I wonder what she's up to, though? I thought for a brief moment. Afterword, I closed my eyes, and fell asleep. When I woke up, I was just in time to hear the pilot say: "Alright passengers, we'll be landing in Love~Love Paradise momentarily! We hope you have a wonderful time and thank you for choosing Flight 87!" He says through the speakers. 

I looked at Penelope to see that she was still asleep, but now she was smiling. Just seeing her smile always made me smile. It was like I was put under a spell I had no problem being overcome by. As much as I really didn't want to wake her up, I still had to. So I kissed her forehead and moved her shoulders back and forth. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes. Her beautiful emerald green eyes looked at me as she brushed them. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty" I said to her, chuckling. She chuckled as well as she straightened up. "Are we there yet, Tony?" She asks. "Almost" I said. But as I looked outside the window, I could see what was the formation of the amazing island. We were now reaching our final destination. "Never mind, scratch that. We are!" I retracted. Pene squealed hearing me say that. When we finally landed, we got out our luggage and walked off the plane. As we all strolled towards the huge skyscraper-sized hotel, we got an amazing look at what there was in store for us. 

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