Chapter 2: Captain Jenn: Treasure Tracker

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As I began to open my eyes, I groaned a bit as I tried to get up. Funny thing is, I couldn't. It felt like something was keeping me on the bed. And when I opened my eyes a bit more, I found out what was the cause. It was just Penelope trying to stay attached to me while she stayed sound asleep. I guess we were cuddling while we slept. I didn't freak out like the first time this happened back at home. This time, I took it as a chance to enjoy it. But, if I wanted to get up, I had to wake her up, mainly cause I could tell that she wasn't gonna let go. So I ruffled her hair as a new attempt. After waiting for a solid three minutes, she finally woke up. She yawned and then smiled as she saw me. "Good morning, Tony" She softly said. "Good morning, Pene" I say back. I always tell myself that the best part of waking up was always seeing her beautiful face right in front of me. And I love every single second of it. And it's true! Anyways, when Penelope finally let go, even though she groaned and pouted because she didn't want to, I got up and walked down to the first floor to "La casa de Lucas y Jenn" to get myself some breakfast. 

Side note, I still can't believe that "Luke" in Spanish translates to "Lucas". It's pretty funny how someone's average, everyday name could be pronounced differently in another part of the world. Back on topic, again. Once I made it to the first floor, I felt the summer breeze sweep into the room. It felt cool and refreshing. Something I definitely needed. As I opened the fridge, I saw Luke leave his room and enter the bathroom, probably to wash up and fix his messy hair. Meanwhile, I could hear Jenn snoring loudly in their room which I'm guessing means she's still asleep. Just a hunch. As I sat down after fixing me a glass of juice, I heard Freddy and Bon-Bon mumbling something as they walked down the stairs. "Hey, guys" I said, after taking a sip of my drink. "Hey, Anthony" Freddy groaned. Not only was his hair all fuzzy, I also got a better look at his face and noticed that he had bags under his eyes. "Whoa, didn't get enough sleep?" I asked him. "Couldn't get any," He responded back. 

"Sir. France made me sleep on the floor and it wasn't very comfortable". "Jeez, sorry to hear that pal" I said. "It's fine, it wasn't too bad sleeping on a carpeted floor" Bon-Bon says. "Fine for you" Freddy remarked. As Freddy went to the fridge, Luke came out of the bathroom. "Hey, dude" He said. "Morning," I responded back. "What made your hair all messy?". "It was Jenn," He said. "I guess she moves around in her sleep. So every time I would close my eyes, I would pray that I didn't get shoved off the bed by her legs. And that's exactly what happened, almost all night. And that's why my hair was all messed up". "Well, good thing I'm not sleeping with her. Sucks to be you!" I joked. "Haha, real funny!" He said back. After everyone, except Jenn, got up and got dressed, we just chatted or did things while we waited for the other group to wake up. Which they eventually did. Ennard wore a simple blue V-neck shirt with khaki shorts, Vixen had on a pink bikini with a white summer kimono, and Ballora had a purple frill one-piece with patterns of curved lines laced around it, with an additional puff of clear feathering that was reminiscent of that of a tutu, although smaller in size. 

When they came into our hotel room, we all made our way to the breakfast cafe that was just a few minutes away. As we got our tables, we got a good view of the beach. It was pretty empty since it was still morning, which is a good way to snap a few pictures of the beach. When we got our plates of breakfast items, we started to plan and talk about what we were going to do for today. "So, what should our first official day here be spent doing?" Ennard asked. "Do we go to the water park?" Ballora suggested. "How about we go treasure hunting at the Event Center?" Jenn pitches in. "I didn't know this place had a events" I asked. "I mean, it was only plastered all over the board in the lobby" Jenn said. How the hell did I miss that? I asked myself for being stupid. "They said that this year, they'll be having a Treasure Hunt competition today at one O'clock, a nighttime "Bonfire Bonanza" on Wednesday, and a Firework display the day after!" Jenn explains with glee. 

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