Chapter 5: Bonfire Bonanza!

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"Hey, Anthony" Ballora asks. "Yeah?" I responded back. As I looked at her, I realized that she had somewhat of a sad expression on her face. "Do you think Ennard and I should go on another date today? I feel in the mood, but I'm not sure if he'll feel the same. I know that this sounds silly and unnecessary, but... I just wonder if we can go somewhere alone together" She says, crossing her arms as she thinks. I didn't really know how to answer that since that was also the first time anyone has ever asked me a question like this. But, I had to think of a simple, yet acceptable answer so Ballora wouldn't be sad. "I mean.. if you really want to spend some time with Ennard, I don't see why he would say no" I say with a smile. "You think so?" She asks, looking up at me with a bit of surprise in her eyes. "Of course. Why wouldn't he? He really loves you, it's easy to tell. I wouldn't see why he wouldn't want to spend all the time he has with you! It's like Pene and I. If she ever felt sad or wanted to go somewhere, I'd be more than happy to go where ever she feels happy" I continue.

"Oh.. well, alright then. T-thank you, Anthony" Ballora says, now showing a smile and leaving her sad expression behind. "No problem" I say. "Let me go find him. I think we might go back to the water park and then the rooftop restaurant. Thank you so much, once again!" Ballora says as she gets up from the couch we were sitting on. She then gave me a hug that all friends would give when they feel better. "Ayy, no probs!" I say, jokingly while hugging back. "And also, don't worry, we'll be back before the Bonfire Bonanza, just in case you were wondering" Ballora says, letting go and walking towards the doorway. "Oh, okay. I really do hope so!" I say. "Oh? Why's that?" She asks me, turning around while raising an eyebrow and making a small smirk. "Cause the group wouldn't be complete without you guys!" I answer. "Aww, that means a lot. Thanks, GameBoy" She says, giggling. "Is that really gonna be my new nickname?" I asked, laughing. "Why not? Don't you love being called that by your fans?" She joked.

"Of course, I do. I didn't know you were one of them" I say. "Of course, I am. At least, now that I know about your channel. I bet it's gonna go far! Anyways, we'll see you later. Bah-bye!" Ballora says, waving goodbye as she leaves. After she left to find Ennard, I continued to watch T.V. and check my phone for any notifications on my channel. Mostly comments from my amazing subscribers, although there were only a few amount of them. I still loved every single one of them. Anyway, it was "2:03" as of now. And, in about six hours from now, we would all go to the Bonfire Bonanza that would be held at the beach. Mom even said that she and Pene's parents they would tag along, as well. I thought so since they would have to spend time with, too. While we were waiting, Mason sat down with me and thought it'd be nice to tell me a little story about him when he was younger. He said that the bonfire reminded him when he was just a little boy and he would always love the campfire stories they would tell while they would roast hot dogs and marshmallows.

He also told me that when he went to a summer camp when he was eleven, that was where Veronica for the very first time. He explained how they met while they were playing a game of capture the flag against another camp group. And they were competing for a week supply of cookies. And, since he told me he would practically kill a man for cookies, which I knew he was only exaggerating, he felt like it was a mission to win that game. When he had grabbed the flag and was making a run for it back to their side, he accidentally ran into her as they both feel onto the floor. And, when he got back up and apologized, he said he froze in place when his eyes met hers. He said it felt like his feet were nailed to the floor in that moment. Veronica then stepped in and started talking about her perspective of the same moment. In that time, her specialty wasn't towards "games" like what they were playing. Instead, it was more set on common activities like knitting or wood carving.

And, since she felt like she finally had a chance to prove herself to her group that she could win a game for once, she took advantage of the situation. She first apologized back for the sudden collision, and then dashed back to her side and won the game. In the end, she won the game for her group. Although she felt happier than anyone in the world, Mason said he felt devistated. Knowing that we pretty much failed his team, and predicting a morning prank being pulled on him, he snuck out of the group around night by a lake and rested by a rock and hugged his knees close to his chest. He said he thought he would be spending that time crying to himself alone, he was proven wrong. He said he then heard a twig snap. He darted his head toward the sound and saw Veronica standing there. Veronica said that she wanted to look for him in order to apologize for making him lose. She snuck out as well in order to do this. He said it was alright, and that she won fair and square, even if she caused him to freeze in place.

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