Chapter 6: Baby, You're A Firework!

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After we sang our song that night, the crowd cheered and clapped, and we walked off the stage to continue sitting down, eating, and drinking with our family and friends. Also after the show, I asked Guy if I could download a copy of the recorded footage that he took while we were singing so I could edit and upload it on my channel. He was more than happy to oblige. And, before we knew it, the day had ended. We had a whole lot of fun that night. We all laughed at the jokes we told, cheered and clapped when the bonfire grew and a small show that had a male and female fire dancer who made an amazing performance! Overall, the night was just fun filled. Anyways, today was the day. Not only was it the second-to-last day we would stay here at the resort, but it was also the day of the Firework Show! When we talked about how we would prepare for the show yesterday, we decided to use the remaining pairs of glow-in-the-dark bracelets we had. We also decided to make a quick stop back to the mini-mart to buy some Love~Love Paradise branded firework clothes that they prepared for the Firework Show later today.

And, I must say, this place really does go all out with their events. They even said that these were "exclusive" clothing that they only sold on events like these. Anyways, as we all woke up, we did the usual that we've been doing. Get up, try and wake up Jenn, go get some breakfast, and then wait until nightfall. The day felt pretty long, I must add. But it gave us the chance to record some more sessions. I even texted Cassie to see if she wanted to play with us. She said that she would love to since she wouldn't have to work her second shift until five O'clock. This time, we decided to play Mario Party 10. Since the game could only allow up to four players at a time, we agreed to switch every time we finished a round, even though Luke said he didn't feel like playing. Even so, it did give Cassie the chance to play, as well. The first round began with Cassie, Vixen, Jenn, and Freddy being the first group to play. They played on the "Haunted Trails" board, and the round was jam-packed with either everyone but Freddy, surprisingly, losing their star bits by running into Ztars or not getting rid of their Boo's in time, Jenn doing decent in the mini-games, and ended with Vixen being the Superstar.

Up next, it was Penelope, Ballora, Ennard, and I. We played on the "Airship Central" map, and overall, It was, once again, a hilarious round! Ennard kept causing us to hop on the purple airships, I guess he was just the "unlucky" one of the group, Penelope was the one who was lucky in getting a decent amount of star bits. But, when it came to the mini-games and boss battles, oh BOY did Me and Ballora put up a fight! We were the ones that were the biggest tryhard's; we were the ones jumping and punching each other trying to get the first place bracket. We would each get our victories, but once we made it to the big finale, everyone tried their best. Once we started to go up against Kamek, Me and Ballora fought to grab the golden.. fireworks? Rockets? Or, were they missiles? Whatever! In the end, by a sheer strip of luck, Ballora was the one who got the last hit on him. But, that didn't matter though. Cause, when we got to the finishing ceremony, I came out on top!

I definitely wasn't expecting it, but I was so happy that it happened. That was an amazing way to end the video. Afterword, Jenn just laughed at how amazing that finale was, Pene was clapping for my success, and Ballora handshaked me this time for the win. But, that didn't stop her from also saying that this meant that she would have to train even harder in order to beat me next time. As I checked my phone, I saw that it was five O'clock, which sadly meant that Cassie had to go. She said her goodbye's and we waved to her as she left. This was also a sign that the Firework show would also begin in just three hours! Although it was still far away, that didn't stop us from still preparing. As everyone started to change, Jenn, Ballora, Ennard, Pene, and I decided to play another round, but this time, we would play Bowser mode and would not record. This would just be a fun little session just for funsies. Jenn wanted to be Bowser, so I handed the Gamepad to her.

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