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Today's the day my parents meet my fiancé, Lyri.

I hope my parents approve of her, not that I'm going to break up with her over what my parents think, but it's still nice to have their blessing.

I pull up into my driveway, with Lyri in the passenger seat. "Are you ready to meet my family?" I question. It's been two years since we've graduated high school, and my parents -or sister- has met the love of my life. "Of course I am. I just know they'll love me." She smiles widely. I nod in reassurance.

We both got out of the car and walk up to my front door; knocking on it repeatedly. Mom opens it.

"Ethan! Sweetie! It's so good to see you!" She squeals while squeezing me into a hug. I hugged right back.

"And you must be the lovely Lyri we keep hearing about." Mom comments, pulling away and placing her hands on her hips.

"It's very nice to meet Mrs. Morgan." Lyri shakes her hand with a nice smile. "Oh please, call me Savanha or Mom. You're apart of this family now." Mom gives a warming smile. Lyri returns it.

"Can we come in now? It's freezing out here Ma," I rub the sides of my arms for dramatic effect. Lyri hit the side of my arm. "Ow!"

"Be nice to your mother!" She scowls. Mom nods in amazement. "She's a keeper." She winks, walking toward the living room. "Glad you approve." I mumble under my breath, taking Lyri inside by the hand.

"Lyri, this is Ross, Ethan's father. And that's Jane, his little sister." Mother points out, taking a seat on the couch next to them, leaving Lyri and I to share the love seat.

"So how'd you guys meet?" Dad questions. So far so good.

"I use to work part time at Walmart, and five minutes before my shift was over, he came down my aisle with some... interesting items. Then it turns out we went to the same school. I use to call him underwear boy because I didn't know his name and it was one of the items-"

"Okay, okay, we don't have to give detail." I interrupted. Jane perked up.

"What kind of items?"

"Just forget the items."

"Well," Dad began, "in just glad that you're real, and not some excuse to cover up the fact that I thought Ethan was gay." My face turned red.

"I was practicing on Benny to ask her out." I mumbled.

"And how was I suppose to believe that?" He questions.

"Because I'm your son and you trust me?"

My parents plus Jane bursted out laughing. "We stopped trusting you after that night where Jane was left outside!" Mom laughed out.

"And that's why Sarah was your babysitter nearly your whole high school life." Jane snorts.

"Wait, Sarah was your babysitter?" Lyri turns to me, trying to hide her laugh. I groaned. "Thanks a lot. I was trying to keep that secret with me until I died."

"But, in all honesty," Lyri chimes in, "I love your son. I love him so much, in fact, once high school was over, I tied him in my basement so he'd never leave me for someone else." The room went quiet. Oh no Lyri, now is not the time for jokes.

"We even played board games, card games, and bingo! But this silly goose kept screaming 'help' instead of 'bingo' when he won. Even though most of the time he didn't win." She ruffles my hair. I slowly turn towards my parents to see their jaws wide open in confusion and shock. I chuckle nervously. "She's kidding." I say nervously, hoping this doesn't change their mind about her. Mom nods slowly.

"Alright, well, dinner will be ready in about an hour. Why don't you two go make yourself at home in Ethan's old room?"


"What was that?" I ask once I closed my bedroom door.

"What was what?" She asks innocently, as she sits on the edge of my old bed, bouncing slightly. "Nice nerd room by the way. It soots you." She smiles.

"About the whole basement thing!"

"Oh that. Come on, it was funny."

"But this is the first time you met my parents. I wanted it to be memorable."

"Well, in my opinion, it was pretty memorable." She chuckles.


"Ethan." She stands up and placed her hands on my shoulders to calm me down. It worked immediately. "Everything's fine. They adore us together and happy to see you happy. Especially your dad; he's thankful that you aren't actually gay." She halve smiles. I smile back.

"Now," she sits back on the bed, "tell me about this whole babysitter thing."



Awkwarder~ Matthew Knight- SequelWhere stories live. Discover now