Bachelorette Party

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"Okay fine, you can throw me a bachelorette party!" I gave in to Autumn's constant nagging. She smiles widely and starts clapping. "Yay!"

I watch her skip happily to her seat then turned my face to see Ethan and Benny looking at me with pleading eyes. I shake me head. "No Benny, I already told you. Ethan can NOT have a bachelor party. If he wants to see strippers, then he can wait until our wedding day." Benny pouts and Ethan's cheeks turn red. I giggle slightly and look over at my friends, who are smirking at me as they are all huddled up in a group, laughing. I gulp.

What have I gotten myself into?

~Later that night~

"So everything is set?" I overhear Alyson ask Alyssa. "Mhm." She responds. I groan. "Guys, you do know that this is just going to be a simple party right? Nothing crazy or insane?" I ask everyone. They all just looked at me.

"Do you NOT know us?" Jade asked.

"Yeah, the party animal inside of me needs to come out tonight." Rory pitches in.

"Dude, you're making it sound weird." Brooklyn jumps in.

"Why is Rory coming in the first place?" Autumn asks.

"Because," I start, "He's an exception. He's adorable, fun, with Alyssa, and the guys never invite him anywhere." Autumn mouths 'oh' silently. Rory smiles.

"Okay, I booked The Underworld Night Club all to ourselves for the night, so we better get going." Alyson says, clicking her phone off after checking the time and stands up. Everyone copies, including me, as we head outside towards the glittery rainbow limo waiting outside for us.


Maria shoves me into a chair in the middle of the place, facing towards the stage. I look at her with a questioning look but she just smiles at me. Turning towards the stage, I notice Jade standing there with the biggest grin on her face.

"So Lyri," she speaks into a microphone, "since this is your last night as an unmarried woman, we all figured that we should give you one last chance to be surrounded by single, attractive men." She chuckles. Then, every member from BTS comes out from behind the curtains. SHIRTLESS. I started screaming out of excitement and run onto stage, forgetting everything around me.

If you couldn't tell, I am a GIGANTIC fan of BTS. I listen to all of their music, and fangirl over them every chance I get. Ethan doesn't necessarily approve of it, but I don't care. He has to learn to except my fangirling ways because there is no controlling it.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" Jade shouts into the microphone and everyone starts cheering. I smile as champagne bottles were popped open, everyone just starts having a great time.

"Grind on me" starts playing and female strippers come out. Jade starts grinding on stage with them as everyone cheers and dances along. This continued for a good while; especially when "Pony" started playing.

Some how, Suga and I started dancing together, and I "accidentally" caressed his chest. His shirtless chest. Oh well. Ethan doesn't have to know. I look to the corner of my eye and see that Autumn is dancing with J-Hope. I giggle. Benny doesn't have to know either. In a dark corner, Alyson is getting high with Brooklyn. Maria is going around, trying to get everyone to calm down, but then starts flirting with Jemin. Her boyfriend Bal doesn't have to know. "WEEEEEEEEE!" I hear Rory shout. I look up and notice him in a gorilla suit, swinging on the chandelier, causing it to break and him falling down on the ground. Alyssa quickly runs to help him up as I start laughing.

Shot after shot after shot. It was like none of us were in control anymore. Everyone was bouncing around to the music, dancing, just having a great time and getting really drunk. Autumn pulls me to the side, giggling like crazy.

"Y-you know what *hiccup* we should do?" She stumbles slightly, still laughing. I laugh back. "What?"

"We should go to Walmart, and steal a shopping cart!" She cheers. I smile. "Great idea!" I look onto stage to see Justin start DJing the whole party, taking lots of shots. He then clicks the song "Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time" by Panic! At the Disco on repeat.

Autumn and I snuck out the place and make our way to Walmart, quickly taking a lonely shopping cart. I giggle. "Remember when I worked here? And when Ethan and Benny stole one of these?"

"Yep, I remember. Still should've been a stripper." She laughs. I playfully punch her arm. "I will be tomorrow." I laugh once more.

Autumn shoves the shopping cart in the building, with me in it. Everyone cheers and starts pushing me all over the place. Alyson pulls out a can of gasoline out of no where and smirks. "Let's set this thing on fire!"

"Yeah!" Alyssa jumps in and pushes me out, leading it outside. Rory grabs the gasoline and runs outside. Everyone follows.

Rory pours gasoline all over the shopping cart and steps away as Alyssa lights a match. We all watch in awe as the cart went into flames, and cheered, strangely enjoying it.

"DON'T THREATEN ME WITH A GOOD TIME!" Everyone one of us shout the lyrics as we continued to dance.

What a night...


I finally updated for you Lyri. Hope you liked it. I definitely know that you'll like the next chapter but is this what you were imagining as we were talking?

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