Poem 11

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Her beauty is skin deep

But no one can see 

She is struggling

 To be set free

In hopes with no desire

her heart is on fire

Still begging to be set free

There are people around 

Who never seem to notice her frown

As she is still begging to be set free

She wants to be loved

But know knows 

They don't see she is fighting to stay alive

Then to make matters worse

She feels like she is a cursed

her emotions make her feel like she is going to burst

but she is loved 

she is free

it just isn't plain to see

If only she tried

but instead she cried

when she tried to hide 

all of these things inside

But now she's dead 

and her friends lose their heads

If only she knew 

what one was gonna do

maybe she would have stayed alive

Now two are dead 

and the rest can't get out of bed

the only thing they could do 

is wish they were dead instead


*Stay alive its worth it babii beans**

Sad PoemsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ