poem 20

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Mind ever been so bogged you forget how to speak. how to breathe. how to concentrate.

Body ever make you hate it so much that you can't look at yourself. that you can't look at your own reflection without point out your flaws.

words ever repeat in your head until those words are the only thing you think about.

people ever say things that makes you crawl in you once comfortable skin.

but here is the thing if you were comfortable with yourself you wouldn't crawl in your skin. you would be able to look at yourself without pure disgust.

the truth is you were never comfortable. you've never been able to experience this thing called self love. so you take a pill. a pill that is supposed to help you forget these flaws. but sometimes this pill doesn't work. so you wake up to a painful reality that self love will never be your cup of tea. 

you want to be like other girls but you already mentally know that will never happen because you allow you mind to get in the way of dreams. you think you aren't enough. you're right you think and your mind is unscrewing all the things that were once in place.

you will never find satisfactory in yourself so you seek it out in others. you seek others to fill this hole you feel inside of yourself. you seek them to fix you. you seek them to be the person to hold you together. 

you're fragile but you aren't completely broken.

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