Taemin Helps Jimin Find His Jams

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From the Love Yourself & Off-Sick Period

"Cut," the producer said as he lowered the camera lens from Jimin's closeup shot. They'd been filming for the last thirteen hours and Jimin once again perceived it a miracle that all the members were not sick of their own voices being played back to them. The video would be beautiful though and he exhaled in relief that all of them could be proud of their newest comeback though he felt he was still lacking a little. But then he always felt this way. It was why only a little while ago he would have slept in the studio rather than join his friends to sleep and rest. But that was the old him, the one that wanted to reach the top and give ten times more than he had. Even though part of him still felt this way he'd learned through restless nights and aching limbs that the only way to truly destress was to spend time in the company of his friends.

"Where are we going to eat?" Jin asked.

"Anywhere you want Hyung, since you're paying," Jungkook said as he drank an entire water bottle in one gulp. Jimin took the towel from the bench beside them and began to soak up the water that had spilled all over his chin. He was glad Jungkook was joking freely now again, he'd been so tired during rehearsals lately and it had made him worried. But they would all have time to rest now in fact, Suga had already taken out his neck pillow and laid down on the bench. It was no surprise since he'd been up till four in the morning composing a new song. Ho-seok as usual was the only one with the energy left to torment anyone as he tickled Suga's chin. His bravery was commendable.

"You can eat without me I'm going to go see Taemin-Hyung, his concert is soon and I want to support him." He unlocked his phone with the picture of the members with him on his birthday and opened his messages to ask Taemin if he was free this afternoon. After sending the text he waited a while but no response came. Stupid-Hyung Jimin thought with a smile, He works so hard either he's watching Micheal Jackson videos very loudly again or he's in the studio. Thinking the former. Jimin sent a selfie of himself with a message warning of his arrival and signaled a taxi to take him to SM entertainment studios. Jimin pulled on a jacket and facemask as he walked into the back entrance after a security guard took his ID. Once inside he brought out his backpack that Taehyung had given him and changed into his new favorite red and black stripped sweatshirt that his members had given him for his twenty-third birthday. They always knew what to get him he thought and the corner of his lips turned up yet again.

Jimin walked out into the hall and up the elevator to Taemin's dance studio. He could hear the music from outside the door. It was a hauntingly beautiful beat that reminded him of one of Jungkook's favorite animation movies that they liked watching together: Your Name. Jimin could also hear Koharu's reprimands as she instructed Taemin on the next steps. But Jimin knew Taemin could be a bit stubborn when he felt he knew the only way to dance this part of the song.

Jimin peeked his head into the door and watched as Taemin with a black bondage like coat over a white long-sleeved shirt lifted his hands to the rhythm of the music and flexed only his wrists and elbows as he moved across the room. It was entrancing the way he danced as if no one or rather everyone was watching him. Every movement was calculated and on point as his gray-blue hair, shorn short in the back tossed back and forth in front of his eyes.

"No," Koharu said. Startling Jimin from his trance. He brushed his hand through his blond hair embarrassed. His body had already begun memorizing the moves, his feet curling with the need to dance. But Jimin did not blame Koharu, while Taemin's performance was brilliant it lacked a sense of heart after so much repetition. "When you spin you must lift your arms more slowly and lower them just above your hips not as high over your head as when preforming Danger. She said while grapping her bag from the floor and reapplying her dark red lipstick. As she walked to the door she noticed Jimin.

Jimin bowed his waist and said, "Good day Noona."

"To you as well. Make sure he gets some rest," Koharu said. "Meet you at six tomorrow for rehearsal," she told Taemin before closing the door behind her.

A bright smile quickly lit up Taemin's dark brown eyes and crinkled his face in an eye smile. "How long have you been standing there Jimin, I didn't know you would come."

"We just finished shooting for our video so I have some time," Jimin said moving further into the studio and placing his backpack against the wall. Taemin clasped his hand and embraced him in a hug. His proximity made Jimin feel bashful as he ran his hands through his hair again. His friend carried a presence so strong it was always enticing and warm. He always felt comfortable if not so relaxed around him. Taemin had done so much to get where he was now, his Sunbaenim in the world of entertainment. He again felt grateful that they had become friends. Though right now all Jimin could hear was the rumble of Tamin's voice as he whispered

"I'm glad you're taking a break."

Jimin released himself from the embrace first deciding it was best not to think about how handsome he'd grown than even the last week he'd seen his friend. That close-fitted sweater with fake rainwater nipples and bellybutton spots for his video rehearsal did not help him either. Instead Jimin just said, "your song and dance is wonderful Taeminie, but what I think Koharu was trying to say is that your dance needs to come from here," he said resting the palm of his hand on Taemin's chest "and not here," he moved his hand to indicate his head. "That pride of yours is holding you back. Maybe I can help you."

Jimin took off his shoes and walked over to the iPod on the stand beside them. Beginning the song again and lifting his hands and moving his feet and wrists in time to the music, when it was time to spin Jimin moved very slowly in an arc and moved his heels alone to spin in an elegant sweep then bowed his head before beginning the choreography again. Taemin clasped his shoulder.

"Thank you Jimin, I can see what she means. It is much better this way, you did beautifully." Taemin said with a smile, "what performance would I give if I didn't have you and Koharu to scold me," he teased. Jimin played the music again and this time he lifted Taemin's elbows to show him how high they should go

"Here like this," Jimin said. As they danced he lifted Taemin's hands in a graceful arc over their heads, clasping their fingers together as he showed him how high they should be. As Taemin spun so did Jimin, they were so close now that he could feel the rise and fall of Taemin's breathing and taste the sweat in the air. It was intoxicating how well they moved together, two lithe dancers to one haunting melody. From this proximity Jimin could see the two scars etched into Taemin's right eyebrow, he wanted to touch it. He also wanted to kiss the freckle on his nose.

"You can let yourself go but you can't escape from me."

"What," Jimin said, his eyes widening.

"Geudaero repeat," Taemin said. His breath warm across his face. Jimin realized that he'd only been singing his new song. Taemin smiled at his startled expression but held Jimin's small hands in his when he tried to detach himself from him. Jimin became still.

"You've grown so listless in my arms." Taemin said continuing to sing as he pressed his lips to Jimin's throat. A small moan escaped Jimin's lips and it was all Taemin needed to continue. "Your elegant gestures and secretive looks awaken this breathtaking attraction." He sung before playfully biting the tip of his nose. As Jimin considered Taemin's eyes he felt only blissful happiness and love in them. It made Jimin laugh as he pulled Taemin closer to his surprise and whispered

"Stupid-Hyung," before Jimin pressed his lips to his.

(Please comment if you want more. I need encouraging words;)

BTS (Jimin/Taemin) Taemin Helps Jimin Find His Jams BTS fanfiction and JikookWhere stories live. Discover now