Mandy x fem! reader

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You kept your nose in a book while everything moved around you as a girl walked by with the grim reaper by her side and her guy friend at the other. You looked up letting your e/c eyes follow them as you practicly stared at the blonde girl  you did that everyother day bring a book down to the park, you sat on the same old brown bench as you watched the trio walk by going were ever there going. Secretly studying the girl(alright Hannibal lecter keep it appropriate) learning things about her and her interest. You started to walk home were you went to your room and turned off the light and sit there in the dark.
*time skip brought to you by jakes everything burrito funnual serves now giving free everything burritos to the next fify customers*
You woke up took a shower,combed your hair,and grabbed a few granola bars and your book as you walked to your favorite bench. When you got there you found a note addressed to you
Dear y/n I see the way you look at me each day I walk by here stay here until eight o'clock I want to tell you something
You started to freak out what ifs popped in your head
What if she wants to to put with me? What if she tells me to stop being a creep bad stop looking at her? You took a breath. What ever happens happens if she does like me she likes me and if she doesn't she doesn't. You sat down and looked up in the sky pale blue with a few clouds twirling around. You looked back down to see the trio walking Mandy smiled at you and you almost exploded.
*time skip*

You kept the book in hand as the time climbed up 7:59 you held onto it as your nuckles turned white. You bit your lip as you saw Mandy walking alone for the first time. She stopped and sat next to you.
"I" she opened her mouth but you intupted her
"Mandy I think I like you no I know I like you when ever I see you you make my heart grow each day if you say no I understand completely,Mandy would you like to be my girlfriend"you said as she smirked
"That's what I was about to say well the-"again she was inturupted her but this time it was your lips against hers

Well I have two announcements to make one the next one shot would be samurai jack x reader so look out for that and the second is this is my first femxfem I ever did and thats cool on my turms

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