jeff x reader

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You and jeff have been friends for years but you guys were known as complete opposites while he loved being clean and organized,you were messy and enjoyed getting your hands dirty,he was a soft spoken person while you spoke whatever was on your mind, but there was a problem you had a massive crush on him and from your knowledge he liked someone else.
You sighed sitting in your unmade bed in your messy room that your mother told you to clean numerous times. "What a girl to do tweety"you asked your bird who squicked in response "give up yes I'm with yah buddy"you giggled petting your bird "nah but I feel like he likes me to but what if he doesn't like like me and I'm just like liking him just because I think he like likes me get it"you asked the bird who squeaked "i knew you wouldn't get it"you smiled putting your bird inside the cage that hung next to your bed. You looked at the mess in your room when you spotted what you needed pen and paper. Write a letter to jeff
"What do you think tweets a letter would be my best option"
*time skip brought to you by freaky Fred's barber shop come with a full head of hair leave with none*
The next day you put on your favorite shirt with overalls and your lucky baseball cap, your gonna need all the luck you could get for the big question.
"I have to tell him I have to"you told yourself throughout the car ride to school "no im not gonna do it" you said crumbling up the paper and putting it in the trash bin the moment you walked into class a smile grew on your face when you saw jeff talking to Clarence and sumo you sat next to them.
"Hey guys"
"Oh hi y/n"Jeff said
"Y/n guess what jeff told me"Clarence said before jeff covered his mouth
"Just on how much I love fish yes I love fish good ol fish"jeff said smiling
"Oh right I used to have a pet fish to jeff"Clarence said winking to jeff
*a small time skip brought to you by the candy kingdom police force now hiring*
During class the teacher left causing the room to go into chaos papers being thrown everywhere,lunches,rubber bands,etc
"Hey guys look at this"someone said just before the room went silent the kid kicked the trash bin causing the trash to all over the place,one girl screamed in horror and left the room when a banana peel fell of her head.
"Hey what's this"jeff said a paper that had his name written on it he soften it up and begun to read it
"Oh no"you said "jeff stop reading that"you said trying to get the paper from him
"Hang on you like me"jeff asked blushing
"Uh well uh maybe yes"you responded he blushed more
"I've been waiting to hear that I like you to y/n"he responded

Thank you addicantread for the request leave another if you want any more request for any character

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